
I regret to say that I will be unable to enjoy this movie in theaters as I have no job and no real income. I would love to see this movie, it looks fun and exciting and interesting.

I do support everyone’s right to protest, and have supported the right for these players to kneel. I just wrote a knee-jerk reaction to the article, having never researched my ancestor.

First, you have some great insight into the issues surrounding the Sansa rape. Seeing rape is terrible. I feel that Captain Midnight is advocating for these scenes instead of erasing them. Also, devil’s advocate, Sansa was a beloved character whose story had her put through one bad situation after another, so people

Oh my, what a nice thing to say. By the way, I have no wife, so there is no wife’s boyfriend. I am not even sure what your intent is with your post, but I am not bailing on my ancestry, just learned something about it I did not like. Reactionary comments do nothing helpful to community discourse, so I recommend not

What definitions? I was replying to someone else’s definitions.

No problem :-) CaptainMidnight has a very draconian way of thinking.

So, you like to see women get raped? That is what I am taking from your post. You are bringing a lot of insight into your psyche, and it is the problem with this nation. Demonizing women by calling them Mary Sue, negating Social Justice, and thinking rape is cool - it is deplorable.

Hmmm, Cercei Lannister is a sociopath who is out for world conquest (like the leader of North Korea or our own President), and she is not someone to be admired. She has sex and has had children from her Brother, so I am not sure why you are using her as an example. Michael Burnham on the other hand had been orphaned

First, that black dress looks hideous. She needs to burn it.

That is the cutest dog pic I have seen in a long time.

Social Justice Warriors - people who make sure that equity and equality can be had by EVERYONE.

But with our administration, it is the rich straight white man or nothing. It is disgusting, and diminishes our society and our species.

I love the design, but if the pylons were straight, I would have felt like they honored the TOS design. It is a great looking ship, reminds me of 1701-A, my favorite design.

Star Trek was all about Diversity, giving voice to those who did not have one. That is the core of Trek. If you cannot handle it, stop watching.

I have to agree with RustyWinterBeater. What is your point? We’re talking about our system of Voting, not how the United States citizens are better off economically on average with much of the world.

Biology is an interesting thing. For centuries, our default has been a binary gender system, and those that did not conform were forced to conform.

NCC-1701, Christopher Pike commanding

When the human race is extinguished.

“So?” What do you mean?

My responses are to the original replier’s use of language seeming very racist and discriminatory.