
Thinking is frowned upon here.

So, if I said ‘I’m praying that a sick mass murderer takes a semi-automatic gun to you and your family’ you’d take it as a joke?

Stating that you hope other people are killed and bereaved in another mass shooting is a joke? Okay...please forgive me if my sides aren’t splitting right now.

How is suggesting that you hope others aren’t made the victims of another mass gun shooting a ‘colossally bad take’?

I hope no-one else ever goes through what these children and their teachers experienced last week.

I’m sorry, but what’s my “bad take” here? To quote an important voice for our times, MisterPiggins, from earlier in this very thread, “It’s called a joke, Francis.” I mean, it admittedly lacks the nuance and penetrating insight of “I pray that more children get murdered,” but the leading statement contained an amusing

Or, like Claudia Teaparty Tenney out here in my congressional district, she knows the fix is in, the writing’s on the wall and she’s just saying the craziest shit she can possibly say in hopes of landing a job on Fox News or some other batshit right-wing-loon outlet when the dust settles.

So you’re going to deride this person as a lunatic for suggesting a civil war is coming, yet you actively hope people start shooting the families of your political enemies.

Significant funding for improving the accuracy of the NICBCS.
Regular licensing updates/renewal (Ie every 4 years you have to do it again.)
Laws requiring the safe storage of firearms and holding owners responsible for easy access to them.
Restriction of military equivalent firearms (IE large capacity magazines,

To quote, uh, you: “That is really a stupid statement. ... YOU STAND TO SHOW RESPECT TO THIS COUNTRY.” Have you read *anything* about the kneeling protest? About the fact that this nation *still* doesn’t uphold the rights of all citizens equally? That’s a legitimate thing to protest, and thank goodness some

Bwah! Made for men! All right then. The creator and showrunner of Altered Carbon is a woman. You are a sad creature. I hope you learn some wisdom and compassion before the end of your miserable life.

fuck off

so now with the flat out misogyny.

You keep throwing that SJW thing around like it’s effective, pumpkin. It’s adorable.

You’re not being ambitious enough. I propose that we petition CBS to re-edit the original series, because that’s chock-full of suspect characters who really need to go: non-whites like Uhura and Sulu; probably Spock too (because if race-mixing is wrong, how much worse is species-mixing?). And while we’re at it, Scotty

I’m greyed (in every sense), but come on. Anyone using SJW in a post has already lost the argument.

I’m disappointed that the teacher is disappointed. This young man demonstrated that he listened to the lesson, absorbed it, and came up with his own thoughts on the matter. Isn’t that what we want students to be doing?

because we all know that not getting a high school diploma almost guarantees entrance into prison

Fucking kill yourself, dude. It’s not a child’s fault we underpay and overwork teachers. He has ever right to advocate for better education, and did so in a format where he’s expected to express himself. The only disrespect here is the one you conjured up because you can’t stand the tiniest slight against authority.