
What is with the quotation marks? And how do you know that no one cares?

SJW bullcrap? Straight white male dead? Female Klingon in charge?

Umm, how is this the Prime Universe? Someone PLEASE explain how this Enterprise fits into the Prime Universe? It is a great ship, but umm not the Prime Enterprise.

This guy is dangerous. He has a family and contributes to society, but is not a citizen (although he is married to a US citizen, I am not sure how he cannot be one), is not WHITE and RICH. This makes him dangerous. Trump is trying to make this nation the way it was founded, home of the WHITE and RICH with slaves of

I am in Starbucks watching this and I could not keep from laughing.

It is not a military or the citizens that Covfefe Bonespurs McOrangeface cares about, it is that they make him money and stroke his ego. We are playthings for him and his rich buddies.

I was thinking the same thing. I am just wondering where they go from here.

OMG. I never thought about that.

I have always thought it was a noble career, despite the fact that we have politicians that think teachers don’t deserve respect. Thank you :-).

Thank you very much.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Thanks :-)

Thanks :-)

I use numbers in my math, especially with the middle school math I will be teaching

Thank you

The Republicans only care when it hurts them. If something helps, why bother changing it? Except that it is CHEATING. And Cheating is BAD. Villains cheat. Therefore you are a villain. Where is our Hero?

This idea of values the IT in Chief is pedaling is just a distraction for his base. DJT does not care at all for anyone outside of his own ego, but needs it stroked. He was a CEO, he was the host of a messed up reality show, and now he is President. He needs to feel like a winner, regardless, and now he is in a

I rewatched Star Trek in recent years through the eyes of a 43 year old, and I noticed how uneven it was. Kirk in one episode is telling us that killing is wrong while in the next episode just whipping his phaser out and shooting everything dead. Same with Spock. And United Federation of Planets and Starfleet were

Actually, taking multiple pedagogy classes means a lot to me, and neither of us knows if her path to teaching included taking classes like this. As far as being enthusiastic about learning, you cannot judge our enthusiasm by statistics, it simply is not a fair measure. What I think is happening is that you are using

And your point? Or, do we get to endure an endless barrage of empty replies that prove that you are doing nothing more than trolling?