
Ok, you are welcome to your incorrect assessments, especially given that you are making false claims with no backup. You appear to just be a troll looking to start a fight, and you can do your best to shame me, but the truth is that the teacher’s idea of a feedback is inadequate, offers no substance to the student’s

Can someone please explain to me why these women were arrested? I get that the second woman spit in the officer’s face but it was AFTER she was cuffed. I am not sure of their initial arrest-worthy offenses.

The journal entry seemed fine. You are welcome to disagree with the student’s wording, but I did not see anything wrong from King. The teacher’s feedback was not helpful or constructive.

Care to clarify or elaborate?

Because he is writing his thoughts in a Journal, not writing an essay. Next critique?

I love to learn. I have always loved learning, so I am not sure how you surmised that assessment. Can you please elaborate?

What horrible ignorance? How am I part of the problem? Just so you know, I have taken multiple classes on pedagogy so I understand how her feedback is useless and dismissive compared to his JOURNAL.

So would I. It would be interesting. You think children are stupid because they are not in high school? You are out of touch. Open your mind, you will never know the adventure until you do.

I disagree. This is a journal. The purpose of a journal should be to allow a student a safe space to express themselves, which King did. King did not call the teacher a liar, just said he was not willing to listen to lies. I know adults with the same mentality. The teacher’s response did nothing to engage, or did it

Then the state is messed up. Teachers in education programs are taught to pay attention to what they are teaching the students and how the students respond. Ignoring a student, especially one this well spoken with such excellent points, is counter to what teachers are supposed to be doing nowadays, and to defend the

I read the teacher’s comment to his entry. The comment is vague and offers no insight. As an educator, if the entry were not about the assignment, I would have said something like, “I understand how Columbus Day celebrates a lie and we can discuss it later, but the journal entry was on ...” to allow King a better idea

And that is part of the breakdown in education. Just because he is 9 does not mean he is automatically supposed to sit there and say nothing. He has opinions, and in this journal they seemed pretty well developed, and the teacher should be willing to listen. That is essential pedagogy.

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

I whole heartedly agree with you. It is a Book that Church leaders altered many times in its history. Parables mixed with translations of letters (how many translations?). Ungh.

Gay, straight, bisexual or transsexual. These are not choices. These are not arbitrary. These do not constrain love. Sexual orientation and identity is personal to each of us, just like religious identity or gender identity. It is not right that people are out there judging others for the lives they live.

So, we have a hypocrite who complains that someone did not like how she interviewed? Did you see Ms. Fonda’s response? “If you become better at interviewing, I may come back to your show.”

This is exactly why I despise religion. Everyone has an interpretation, but if it conflicts with yours, they are evil.

Shaming them does not help. It will create a psychological mess. Better to use compassion than shaming them.

My question is what are you so insecure about that you need to shame someone for their weight or their looks or they beliefs or, or anything? You have to force others to feel less than because you feel less than?

I cannot believe what is going on. Joe Arpaio, like Donald Trump, is making outlandish claims with vague allusions to proof that we all know either does not really exist or is from uncredible sources. Now, he wants to be part of the federal government to make laws. No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Fade away, you bigot.