Insect Overlord

Is what the people are saying about your initial comment

I too love to go to school to study things I find stupid and pointless to talk about

Tell me about it. You’ve already ruined the comment section.

Ok great. It’s good that you still want to leave nothing comments about it online since you’re so over it.

A Game of Thrones episode with lots of movement and action: TELEPORT! ONLY INTERESTED IN BIG MOMENTS! FANSERVICE!

I personally loved it and wholeheartedly agree w/ the ‘A’. My reasoning is that the action-oriented episodes are payoffs of the character building episodes. This, however, was something entirely different. This wasn’t a character-building episode so much as a character-driven episode. It was the payoff of many, many

congrats on not liking the thing that everyone else likes.

Your explanation makes it sound like you watch TV with a checklist to mark whether shows are advancing plots of characters instead of just enjoying the shows.

I always get accused of being a monster who grades way too harshly, so I’d like to thank you for this charge of inflation, Hal. 

I quite loved it.

How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?

The “night before the battle” is a pretty classic war-movie theme. Nobody would be happy if they just nodded and said ‘sup, and then fought the battle to decide all of humanity. 

I don’t grade, b/c I wouldn’t be able to stick to my own guidelines lol. But it was wonderful. Hit me right in the feels with Brienne. Easily in my top 5 list for the series, and only the 2nd time I got misty eyed.

And now we know why he likes big women!

You. Have. To. Set. The. Table. 

A lot of people are going to die next week. They wanted us to spend time with everybody, so the deaths will mean something.

This episode was absolutely awesome, and it hit me like a brick that one of the underlying major themes of the show is the redemption of Jamie Lannister.

The big woman still here?


“Klaus and Violet quickly put their grief aside to work with him in order to rescue Sunny.”