Insect Overlord

this a bad take

Yeah, I think that’s my main problem with this episode. When there are only ten episodes in a season, and one was already an intentional re-hash of a previous episode (the Boggs reboot), it feels like a waste of time to have a clip show. 

Oh. So you don’t like good movies.

As someone who’s never seen this show - is it worth watching just Season 1, by all accounts the only good one? Or should I not bother at all?

Yep everyone knows Robyn sounds exactly like Spiritualized. Or Nicki Minaj sounds like Low. 

It is like nobody even shows any concern about white guys with beards who like to stand in the back of the venue with their arms folded drinking an IPA wearing an old Sebadoh anymore.

So the ones in this thread letting everyone know how cool they are for not liking a popular band are somehow NOT “hipsters”? What does the word even mean to you?

For real. I haven’t heard this yet, but writing a review based off of 2 listens of livestream seems like a new low in this already sad trend of current reviewers rushing to have the first review available online of hyped albums.

I’m sorry you didn’t like it. I liked it a lot! Of course, I don’t really care all that much about horror movies, I just thought it was a very well made film.

“When Midnight isn’t any more receptive to Arthur’s notions about Superian still being alive when they come from Overkill, it leads to a confrontation, it leads to a confrontation...”

Your article needs some proofreading.