Insect Overlord

That mortgage story was based on a joke tweet lol. Really shitty reporting as per from the Post.

This is definitely reductive I think. Despite being a TV obsessive myself most circles I move in with even a loose interest are aware of Fleabag and Killing Eve, and they’ve been really pushed by the BBC since they represent a rare moment of modern critical and audience breakthrough. They both were seen by millions

Not even close...Samurai Champloo, Community, Clerks, South Park, Rick and Morty and The Simpsons have all done far better (and that’s just off the top of my head). Even more outlier options like The Last Airbender riffed on clip shows in a far more intelligent manner than this.

B+ seems insanely high for an episode that spent at least 5/6 minutes of its runtime actually just playing old clips. I understand that that’s the premise of a clip show, but back when clip shows were a thing they were budget cutters on a season that ran for 24 episodes - I can’t possibly think that’s the case here,

AV Club has always focussed on dissection rather than a base discussion of quality. If I want a rough idea I just check the grade - if I want to engage with the analysis then I’ll wait till after I’ve seen the episode. 

Is this show still worth watching? Based on the AV Club grades this whole season seems to have been circling a vague realm of mediocrity, and I quite enjoyed both seasons 1 & 2.

Damn this dropped from an A+, to an A, to a B+. Someone royally forked up there...(I’m not sure what it says that I was here to witness every instance of the grade change). 

This is a fantastically comprehensive list, which makes the omission of Death Grips - Year of the Snitch and Parquet Courts - Wide Awake slightly confusing. The former may have only come out last Friday (as did Kamasi’s album) but it really is a stellar, mind-bending piece of work, whilst the Courts’ album is another

WE ALL SAW IT! They can’t say we didn’t because we did. Lousy temporary grades. 

Still seems a shame when last season consistently hit the A- mark for me. Will have to delve in and see for myself.

I’m way behind on this show so I’m obviously trying (and somewhat failing) to avoid spoilers, but can someone confirm that it really goes this far off piste? This whole season has been largely in the ‘B’ range which was disheartening enough, but to see this is as the finale grade feels like a nail in the coffin. Is is

I’ve been reading through these reviews as I’ve been catching up on the show and they really are awful... Proofreading alone is piss poor, but the writing itself is also bland and lacking insight. It’s a shame where the AV Club is at in terms of writers these days.

Agreed. This is one of the most poorly written and / or proofread reviews I’ve seen on here in some time.

I’m personally a fan of plenty of the standardly recognised great anime fare (Neon Genesis, Samurai Champloo), but if you want to see anime that truly moves away from the tropes you refer to repeatedly, I would cautiously recommend the works of Masaaki Yuasa.

Having been kept away from Game of Thrones due to outside circumstances this Summer (and a little bit of laziness) I think this is the first time I’ve felt the full impact of Kinja. There was a lot I liked in this episode, and a lot that didn’t quite work, and it’s always the episodes I’m ambivalent about that I most

I share this sentiment, even as someone who was only casually using this site around that era, and it seems that most of the long term commenters do too. However, what I never see mentioned is a viable alternative. Sites like Vox offer some good, insightful pieces, but without a comment system it feels lacking in

Though I agree this season has been a little rough, at least it's been somewhat consistent in quality. I probably need to give it a rewatch but I remember the middle portion of season 3 being dull and remarkably laugh-free. At least each episode this season has had a reliable number of gags.

Yeah I didn't realise until after either - it just felt like a really flat, humourless parody. I still can't figure out how it being real affects my judgement of those sequences.

In an otherwise focused season this one stands out as unmoored. As the reviewer mentioned none of the Jabbawockeez stuff was particularly amusing, especially since we were basically just watching them perform - the same goes for John Legend, though at least that fit the scene tonally. I liked the grounded way things

It's so delightful to see a show like Master of None that knows how to balance the humour with the heartbreak, and the serialised with the episodic. As others have mentioned, what makes this series stand out is its ability to focus in on a topic or theme and envelop it for an episode, whilst still not feeling the need