
The reason is fairly simple I would think. The Twitch Gaming channel is what broadcasters are allowed to restream. So in order to keep the other streamers out of trouble over something so stupid, they dubbed over it. A surprisingly smart move on their part.

Did the people who weren’t Nathan Fillion love being on the Firefly set?”

Especially as he’s leaned in to the support from the same toxic corner that birthed the “ReleaseTheSnyderCut” bullshit.

Gwen in the TASM movies is nothing like her portrayal in the comics. She is originally portrayed as a science major, and her and Peter’s first date (chaperoned by Professor Warren of all people) is to a science exhibit at a museum). But once she and Peter start dating any thought of her being a strong, independent and

Kiteman love is a mystery to me. You gotta love fans’ ability to latch onto any white male and declare him the best!character! no matter how mediocre and annoying. But, as much as his popularity baffles me, I’m glad he got his moment to break things off.

Blame Tom King for Kite Man’s popularity. The undeserved confidence of the line “KITE MAN! Hell yeah” is all his doing. Without it, it’d probably be him getting unceremoniously killed instead of Condiment King.

Unlike seemingly the majority of the audience, I never hated the finale. There was a lot I loved; the brilliantly staged battle, the beautiful final scene with Lara and Adama, the Earth reveal.

Now playing

I don’t know that io9 or the fanbase has anything against grimdark. Indeed, I’ll second Meatwadf’s suggestion that in the right hands, a Justice Lord Superman would be an awesome villain for a film.

Those dudes are great. And I honestly can’t understand how any fan of Star Trek could like this show - unless you started watching when J.J. Abrams got hold of the series.

Also, none of the movies since T2 have contained any kind of horror element, which was the entire point of the first movie.

Art, by it’s very definition, is a piece of work meant to elicit an emotional response from the viewer or listener. Oscar-bait movie vs ...say, Big Top Peewee or a Marvel film has no distinction between which is considered art and which isn’t, as they all are valid as pieces of art.  There is of course, a spectrum

Media gave the mouthbreathers on Freefolk needless free publicity. 

More likely he doesn’t like how people blew things out of proportion, and used his words about not liking how his character died to justify a stupid petition and push a narrative that he hates the show and showrunners

Lol, Conleth Hill struck a nerve, didn’t he.

I agree with Meryl on those points, and for me understands perfectly 

With all these Britishers playing American icons, maybe it’s time for The Doctor from Texas?

agreed! your tl;dr is fan canon is a fan cannon - D&D would have never “gotten it right” even if they hit all the “beats” the fans want. This is what happen when something gets this big.

Yeah, this is a good take. As casual as medieval societies would be with throwing all behavioral disregulation into the ‘mad’ bin, madness in this catch-all sense doesn’t directly map onto any modern category of mental illness. Many of these senses would not be understood, then or now, to absolve a person of the

Part of what I liked about the relationship (and all the relationships on the show) was that it wasn’t just the big dramatic moments. Those were great, sure, but you also got small but totally in-character moments like the shampoo conversation: “It’s your hair. It smells.” “Zhaan gave me something.” “Smells good, I

What? Reread my post.