
Please please please please please please please please please.

You’re wrong, she’s excellent. Under the Skin is amazing.

“I’m the cuter ginger tabby, and my android is cuter than your android!”

So, we’re complaining about stills now?

Director Paul Feig once said that his original cut for this year’s Ghostbusters was four and a half hours long, which he then cut down to a “slim three and a half hours.”

Everyone should quit Twitter. Sooner or later, it makes everyone feel like a Milhouse.

People,seriously...Just.....I get that you love the shit,but it can’t love you back. That goes for Ghostbusters,Transformers,MLP,and every other fandoms out there.

I read Atlas Shrugged because my high-school girlfriend was really into it. Up to that point, I had not exactly twigged to the differences between her nascent libertarianism and my nascent socialism because they look deceptively similar if you just spout your dumb opinions about social issues. And, you know,

I’m one that enjoyed it as a work of fiction, but was sorely disappointed when John Galt turned out to be a ginormous douchebag.

Atlas Shrugged strikes me as a book that’s probably a lot more fun to re-read that than it is to read initially, the second and more times around you’ll know which bits to skip past (the part where it grinds to a halt for one guy to give an overlong speech likely being the first to go).

I don’t know, but Adam is sure as hell happy we’re leaving him alone now.

Has anyone actually read that awful, repetitive monologue towards the end of the book because, when I read it, I just started skipping ahead until he was done verbally masturbating.

With pizza, and margarita shooters!

Given “vader” is an allusion to the German word for “father” (vater) I’m pretty sure he already knew.


I....don’t....I know those are words in a sentence but I don’t know what your saying.

“Hi, I’m Peter Dinklage” :D

I agree with all this, but for purely singleplayer atmospherics (which is why all my favorite DOOM and DOOM 2 .WADs were all single player campaigns), I think DOOM 3 got a lot of it right. I was thrilled by the survival horror gameplay that they showed in the first trailers, and even though the released copy didn’t

What are you even talking about?? Entire arcs have ended, others have continued, while others are drastically different.

Have you not been watching, nobody wins the game.
That is what the game of thrones is, a game that each new generation, each new player has to play. It will not end, the TV show might stop, but the game is endless.