Honestly - a pet peeve of mine is creators that make excuses like this.
Honestly - a pet peeve of mine is creators that make excuses like this.
Yea, definitely a case where the law is probably overly broad and vague because New York would be easy to start a riot in and thus the law defers to the police.
Not to be a jerk about it - but keep reading that same document into the next paragraph. The entire point of that reading is, it doesn’t track historically with why such a document would hold up. It grants the Americans too much agency and the Japanese too little. It doesn’t explain what actually happened very well…
It’s interesting to me that Some Kind of Monster isn’t on that list. Maybe Metal just isn’t AV Club’s thing, but the camera’s were on right as the band imploded and James had to to into rehab. In retrospect it’s interesting, because Hetfield is fairly private, but the band is fairly naked in it.
I wouldn’t overthink it. The Hates Police crowd is pretty much going to have that reaction regardless. It was funny because he was ragdolling like crazy to a point it doesn’t even make sense.
I’m reminded of The Expanse and the communes the protagonist came from. In Sci-Fi, if you’re playing with the concept of family you can structure your family any way you want. Hell, sex doesn’t even have to be part of it (that can be left to mistresses).
Yes and No. Hirohito has an extremely large impact in why certain decisions were made. Same thing with the “no military”.
Would her lawyer want her to say that, even if it were true though? I think you see vagueness as a general defensive strategy because what people think in public can be anything but what is provable in court matters.
So I’m not one that liked it, but I can tell you one of my friends loved it.
I don’t hate him. There’s something to be said for being an “artist” type - you usually get something interesting.
The Internet has really screwed brick and mortar to where in some cases one even wonders what they think their business is anymore.
Rename yourself Babbage’s you cowards.
Thing is - forget the “spared” comment -
It’s worth noting that just like the internet commentariat, Actors can get their sources from “wherever”. If the cast had a cynical view of the people involved, a lie he heard somewhere could have sounded just as good as the truth.
The American Government didn’t “need” to paint the civilians as complicit though. The Americans at that point had a strategic advantage the Japanese could not counter. Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima had strategic military value (one as ordinance production, one as Southern Command). From a Strategic perspective, America…
And as a German, you are definitely free to second guess the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That said, for an American to do the same comes with the knowledge that they themselves might not be alive to argue or agree with you if not for that event. It swiftly ended the war and thus hundreds of thousands of…
I think it’s more of a traditional “softening statement” people use when people apply standards traditionally used against men towards women. Like “we acknowledge there are some power differences inherent BUT”. It is fairly unneeded though, you’re right. If a woman wants to kill a man, it’s as easy as a gun.
It’s Power.
Awesome! One of my complaints about the current Xbox Series X is it also has the same drift problems many of this style of controller have. Having the option to replace it on my own is great.
The difference is, and always will be good faith and the perception of such. If someone sees what you’re doing as good faith, then that line resonates. If someone sees what you’re doing, and the first part doesn’t come across - it works less well. A lifelong vegetarian’s criticisms of factory farming come across less…