
Things that were io9 punching bags usually have that kind of response. Especially when it comes to “dark” stuff...

Meh - releasing it isn’t hurting anyone, despite what reading this comment section might make you believe.

Honestly - a pet peeve of mine is creators that make excuses like this.

Yea, definitely a case where the law is probably overly broad and vague because New York would be easy to start a riot in and thus the law defers to the police.

Not to be a jerk about it - but keep reading that same document into the next paragraph. The entire point of that reading is, it doesn’t track historically with why such a document would hold up. It grants the Americans too much agency and the Japanese too little. It doesn’t explain what actually happened very well

In some ways it IS kind of like they just met and decided it.

My view point is one of someone who isn’t reading, so take it for just a neutral read of the story beats as described by others with massive handfuls of salt.. I’m saying no one is pro assimilation here - so it seems weird Professor X is getting dragged in this. I don’t really see the Krakoa arc as something Professor

My point is, it’s not Professor X’s vision for mutants to be apart at least in standard canon. That may be this arc where he’s down with it, but it seems like the goalposts moved for some people to where Prof X is being challenged when this isn’t even his dream. That Mutants and Humans have been at conflict is the

It’s interesting to me that Some Kind of Monster isn’t on that list.  Maybe Metal just isn’t AV Club’s thing, but the camera’s were on right as the band imploded and James had to to into rehab.  In retrospect it’s interesting, because Hetfield is fairly private, but the band is fairly naked in it.

I wouldn’t overthink it. The Hates Police crowd is pretty much going to have that reaction regardless. It was funny because he was ragdolling like crazy to a point it doesn’t even make sense.

Honestly, I’m guessing Reed will be black just based on the choice of Kang alone. I took that as a given.

I’m reminded of The Expanse and the communes the protagonist came from.  In Sci-Fi, if you’re playing with the concept of family you can structure your family any way you want.  Hell, sex doesn’t even have to be part of it (that can be left to mistresses).

Yes and No. Hirohito has an extremely large impact in why certain decisions were made. Same thing with the “no military”.

I think the part where you’re right about this is that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. While Meta gets “x number of users” in a short period of time was a good story, the platform wasn’t ready for it, lacked the features to retain those users, and did not have the social networks developed yet.  Consequently the “x% of

I think this kind of thing is always a YMMV thing and a big part of it has to do with the reality that we all know it has nothing to do with the in-universe and everything to do with the actors/producers that love to do this kind of thing. These episodes feel meta from the jump.

Consider they have things like My Adventures with Superman in the pipe and still producing for them.

I saw this in a previous article - how exactly is this the fall of Krakoa antiassimilationist when Krakoa was essentially a mutant nation state? The status quo was isolationist. All that I’m really hearing described was that someone smashed a nation state and that those people were humans.

Would her lawyer want her to say that, even if it were true though? I think you see vagueness as a general defensive strategy because what people think in public can be anything but what is provable in court matters.

So I’m not one that liked it, but I can tell you one of my friends loved it.

I don’t hate him. There’s something to be said for being an “artist” type - you usually get something interesting.