
Based on the other comments here, this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed Suicide Squad (2016). If there were a darker version of the film, I’d buy a physical release of it with a director commentary, and/or stream it on opening day. I liked it and was disappointed with other folks’ reaction to it, as

Incitement to riot doesn’t require that you tell people to be violent - it simply requires that your actions encourage people to riot, whether that is your intent or not, spoken or not.

Ricci Sergienko, an organizer at People’s City Council, a group that organizes against policing, told Jezebel the massive cultural reaction to the slide video stems in part from the obvious physical comedy. But it’s also funny because it took a children’s slide to deliver some form of karmic “justice” in a society

You guys constantly doomsay about what microsoft MIGHT do, and ignore what the competition already is doing.

But it isn’t men driving any of this content - the vast majority of men don’t care! Men’s only function in this is to be the prize these girls get when they prove they’re ‘better’ than everyone else (in this case by acting and dressing like themselves and shitting on women who are different).

Incredibly facile list. “I don’t remember anything but that it had the red white and blue colours.” Likewise, I don’t think Cyberpunk 2077 has anything novel to say that hasn’t already been said by 40 years of cyberpunk fiction. It’s completely jejune

Did he kick your dog or something? You’re allowed to just ignore the guy if you don’t like his movies.

Except - it isn’t the FTC, or anyone involved in the case, asking the judge to recuse, it’s an outside third party. It may be that the litigants decided that they didn’t think the judge would be biased and they could deal with it.

The CEO is entirely correct. PlayStation forced exclusives to be the method any interested players must utilize in order to compete at all. Sony controls the market, they are the dominant player.

I’m gonna try this new thing where I don’t pass judgment until there’s a ruling or verdict.

Okay, to be clear: the Call of Duty narrative was pushed by regulators and Sony’s own testimony. That was not introduced by Microsoft based on any of the documentation I’ve seen.

I am legitimately mad how much I dig this trailer. Like, “Goddamnit, Max Landis’s Dirk Gently Show Is Actually Really Good” levels of mad.

At this point people have been bashing the quality of Metallica’s “new stuff” for more than 30 years, so lists like this one exist in a weird space. You can’t just rehash their three best albums the 80s, and I appreciate that they found some love for weird shit like Lulu and the back half of Reload.

Gamers, please stop leaking classified military documents on gaming platforms.

The argument from Microsoft refers to “advanced” consoles in an effort to dismiss the Nintendo Switch and focus on Sony.

Content for what was nominated, sure. In all honesty, i dont even think EEAAO cracks a top ten list for last year.

BO ... lingers on your clothing ... the psychological trauma makes you imagine the odor for quite a while

In the real world, “people saying mean things to you” is just life.

Yeah, I love the EU now legends Luke Stories and adventures, The Solo’s and their Jedi children, one turning dark. They could still technically add more solo children who are Jedi, They never mentioned if Ben/Kylo was the only one. Technically in legends I think. Ben was Luke’s kid and Anakin was Leia’s kid, plus the

I understand the need of representation and it has been a hard work for a lot of people, to be rightfully represented and working against stereotypes, and we just got and amazing representation of it in the Last of Us, and for me it was representation of love, something that everyone no matter their gender could feel,