
See, I would have thought that about appleate courts, but then I just really don’t know why the FTC was ok with this in the first place. Just on appearance it isn’t great.

I still think the judge should have recused just from a “for everyone else’s sanity” reason. I think by bringing it up pre-trial, the judge gave the parties ample warning/time to file their complaints.

Yea, but let’s also not forget that these are not small companies.

It’s also exceptionally hard to tease out the creator/character/purpose.

You can dogwhistle until you’re out of breath.

It’s cyclical though - Probably through the 60's-90's people would have considered this socially abhorrent. That’s not to say there was no violence during that time. The 2000's-2010's marked a bit of a shift in popular perception.

People expecting other people to take a hard side on this has been one of the more disappointing aspects of the whole thing.

No - the new characters were/could have been interesting. They can still probably do a number of things with them.

Basically this. Star Wars is kind of dead to me based on certain choices.

Ron took too long to bite the hand that feeds.

Are people even that literate in real film criticism at this point?

I am irrationally happy that a Brit was not cast as Superman.

Sorry, what are they doing with Windows11?  This isn’t a joke question, I just haven’t kept my finger on the pulse of the OS in a while.

For the record, I’d be fine with the FTC taking the hammer to both MS of and Sony. However, in this context the real reason the Activision/Zenimax moves don’t bug me is that the market is already allowing 3rd party exclusivity.

Yea and this is where I sort of go back and forth in what do I want to see.

Just replying to ungrey.

I think the problem is you always interact with people with unhealthy perspectives in every direction. The Sony/MS of thing is a great recent example.

As a PS4 owner at launch of that game, I would argue it was an overreaction however.

I mean I get your perspective, but that’s just because vaporware is a thing and always has been.

Thing about buying Sega is it’s not like Sega is the same brand it was 20-30 years ago. It’s changed hands so many times it is entirely “assets” at this point.