
The international aspect is - I admit - tough.

I would have loved an ending where you can liberate Miquella and play out Malenia’s story differently (which still requires you to defeat her - just maybe not to death.)   With Malenia - she feels like a character who would be locked into a specific course of action until knocked out of it because she’s been around so

Not really sure how you square that with the last 30 years which has predominantly catered to more liberalizing forces than conservative forces when we’re talking about entertainment.

Dimitris point is also bullshit.

For me there were three main factors working against Horizon this time around. I completely discount the Ubisoft/Open World critique because Elden Ring happened this year. I chalk it even being brought up to Youtubers like videogamedunkey whom aren’t really forced to be logically consistent. This is sort of like

Iraq yes.

Sure. The US (and the South) had a very real problem of large populations of white and black people and politicians ready and willing to use those issues in a way that benefited them.

There’s a shocking amount of naivete that goes into believing your treatment when you are a novelty would match what you would be as a minority. It’s the difference between “visitor” and “problem in need of solving”.

Having watched debates like this play out continually for 2 decades and change, I no longer buy the simple answers on it because too many people who have supposedly been raised differently (Joss Whedon comes to mind) tend to participate in the same stuff.

Listen Comrade -

*Sigh* - we’re talking about the rules of the legal system here, not an abstract equality of outcomes.  I’m sorry if I didn’t specify but it didn’t seem necessary.  Since 4 people like your comment, obviously such a distinction is necessary.  It’s even dumber to have that argument when we’re talking civil, not

I agree with you regarding mergers in general.

I don’t think people need an explanation as to “mergers are bad why”. The issue with this particular issue is “why Microsoft?”

Also the American consumer. GM/Ford have been perpetually by decade guilty of one thing or another. But if you want to support American auto which is a big deal for some people, you have traditionally had to go to them.

Isn’t this just “prestige horror” all over again?


I don’t really disagree in the slightest regarding the creepy aspect. The difference between P5's Joker and Liesure Suit Larry is they are inverse mirrors of each other but it’s the same thing and operating at fundamentally the same level

I guess your complaint boils down to the level of writing which really settles for how to make something make sense within a simple game frame work. I actually do get that, although I think the main problem with incredibly complex romances and characters is you sort of end up with the Dark Souls/Ghosts ‘n Goblins of

I think there was a point and time about 20 years ago where representation wasn’t great and everyone really did understand why certain groups would ship the way they want to because it took care of a need that wasn’t being fulfilled otherwise.

Didn’t the trans community basically have an apoplectic fit over Contrapoints as well?