
Iraq yes.

Sure. The US (and the South) had a very real problem of large populations of white and black people and politicians ready and willing to use those issues in a way that benefited them.

From a storytelling perspective, canon can be a strange determining factor.  Because there’s a bunch of times that the larger a property gets, the more times the most logical storytelling progression has simply “been done before.”

There’s a shocking amount of naivete that goes into believing your treatment when you are a novelty would match what you would be as a minority. It’s the difference between “visitor” and “problem in need of solving”.

Except that doesn’t actually work. There’s no formal mechanism for geoIP locators and and RIR registrations make it possible to use an Amsterdam IP in the US. For example some cloud providers may restrict known IPs from Russia but a Russian user really only needs acquire a non-russian IP and modify BGP to announce the

I mean, it’s been clear for a while the writers are nostalgic for a specific Star Trek that isn’t TNG.

What do we gain by making a series that has largely explored this idea of a found family—the ties Picard and his allies have made as friends, the absence and now trickling arrival of TNG’s old family back onto the scene all these years later—into one that is now about more literal family connections?

So sell it.

Having watched debates like this play out continually for 2 decades and change, I no longer buy the simple answers on it because too many people who have supposedly been raised differently (Joss Whedon comes to mind) tend to participate in the same stuff.

Listen Comrade -

*Sigh* - we’re talking about the rules of the legal system here, not an abstract equality of outcomes.  I’m sorry if I didn’t specify but it didn’t seem necessary.  Since 4 people like your comment, obviously such a distinction is necessary.  It’s even dumber to have that argument when we’re talking civil, not

I don’t think anyone ever suggests that hardcore fans are going to have a problem with it.  It’s the beginning of the film season so I’m sure there’s quite a few people who will see it for that reason alone.  At least for those whom movie theaters are exclusively for “blockbuster” fare.

I generally steer clear of the reviews these days just due to MCU not being my thing but the headline grabbed me.

I agree with you regarding mergers in general.

I do wish that we could start using the word nostalgic correctly again. I saw this in another thread where merely a “reference” was inherently nostalgic.

I don’t think people need an explanation as to “mergers are bad why”. The issue with this particular issue is “why Microsoft?”

Also the American consumer. GM/Ford have been perpetually by decade guilty of one thing or another. But if you want to support American auto which is a big deal for some people, you have traditionally had to go to them.

Isn’t this just “prestige horror” all over again?

I mean good luck to them?

I think you’re fooling yourself if you think Newitz or CJA wouldn’t have covered this.