

I don’t really disagree in the slightest regarding the creepy aspect. The difference between P5's Joker and Liesure Suit Larry is they are inverse mirrors of each other but it’s the same thing and operating at fundamentally the same level

I guess your complaint boils down to the level of writing which really settles for how to make something make sense within a simple game frame work. I actually do get that, although I think the main problem with incredibly complex romances and characters is you sort of end up with the Dark Souls/Ghosts ‘n Goblins of

I think there was a point and time about 20 years ago where representation wasn’t great and everyone really did understand why certain groups would ship the way they want to because it took care of a need that wasn’t being fulfilled otherwise.

Didn’t the trans community basically have an apoplectic fit over Contrapoints as well?

I mean a point of order like this is necessary - my opinion is that Nintendo branding has sort of brainwashed (in an innocent sense) some sections of modern audience to a perception of reality that never existed. This is a perfect example - where the product already exists prior to Nintendo but what pop culture

Is having a stroke a normal response to reading a title?

It’s probably simpler - she had already played a “bad-assed” character and like the Shatner’s or Ford’s of the world, the fear of getting typecast was probably very real for her.

Rebrand as Babbage’s you cowards.

I’ve never seen a property-B based on a Property-A so dead set on doing everything they can to NOT be accused of property-A nostalgia that almost every choice other than character names seems like a callback to another form of fiction or property.

To an extent - TAS was cartoonish as possible intentionally and Harley didn’t exist before then. When people consider Harley Quinn I think if people have their perspectives on it that’s fine - but you have to consider the source.

I mean yea - he’s nearing if not at Batman Beyond age at that point.  Still, without seeing how they do it I can’t say much.

I read this entire post incorrectly.  Bad me.

I think Bros. had a strategic misstep in the marketing phase. I distinctly remember watching it and kind of grinning and then there was some throw away line like “remember straight people?”

Thing is - look at the comments on this and other threads. There is a long history of Microsoft being crossways with anti-trust and a long list of people who would like to see nothing but bad things happen to them comparables be damned.

I think the big problem was it took the public so long to really open up to that style wheras sort of MCU Phase2 and Phase 3 everyone was just ragging on DC for not doing the Marvel formula. By the time people liked (or admitted liking) certain things, it was over.

Part of that I blame on the pro-Snyder/Anti-Snyder

It’s important to note that this is simply how the executives at WB want to do things right now.

Oh no! Are people’s childhoods being destroyed again?

Strangely - Disney is probably the premier example of why buying physical media is ideal. Long before streaming, Disney utilized “the vault” (or basically denying the ability to purchase things for set periods of time) to both jack up the price of their media and push product. It’s been interesting to watch Netflix

It’s a valid course of logic though.