
How to Speedrun a TLJ/Ghostbusters 2016 controversy in the Spider-Man Universe.

I feel like any Iron Man game without an incomprehensible tech-tree is a missed opportunity.

This is redundant - but the most important thing with a game IS the gameplay. Almost every comic-based game I can remember playing could have removed the IP and it would still sell. Remove the branding from Spider-Man for Insomniac, and it would sell. Remove The Avengers from those old beat-em-up cabinets, and you had


I’m going to answer this, because honestly I think io9 over the years has become accustomed to an old business model and consequently I think their style of coverage is partially responsible. Flat out, this cycle of business resembles the cable consolidation of the 90's and 00's wherin genre, cartoons, etc. were

Heh - don’t worry. This is my pet theory and I rarely get much traction on it.

I never said it was. I said losing ones shit over accents is a protectionist behavior that works that way (if you choose to say the ubiquity of US movies and music imperialism, sure thing). I don’t think Brits do it on purpose, but I think there’s a reason Jordan Peele’s Black Actor sketch was made and ironically his

It’s a no win situation. The real answer is real, life altering consequences for abuse of the system.

I really wish more people would read responses like yours. I understand the anger in the ACAB responses, but the Police do have a duty (at least at the beginning of this story) to take threats seriously. Where everyone is valid is in their anger at the end of it.

I’d keep in mind, having a problem with pronunciation is how UK actors have found massive employment gains. As screwball as it sounds, the British fans will tantrum about bad American versions of British accents which tends to result in UK actors mostly filling those roles now (because it’s easier for them to find and

I generally stay away from Manga (not a judgement, but like with Comics/Books and Films I find constantly knowing the source screws with my enjoyment so I do read, just other stuff) but it is interesting to me how consistent Shonen Jump has been in finding concepts that really, really work.

The problem here isn’t Musk and it isn’t Conservatives or Google+ having a concept.

The fundamental problem is actually the Roe v. Wade decision and the underlying concept that was rejected in it. Until there is political will for an Amendment to the Constitution regarding a general right to privacy, “the people” can’t keep up with the lobbyists.

Not until fans act.

As someone who was in AG’s camp, I think genre spaces are best when there’s still diversity of reaction. “Your new favorite film _____” was kind of the death of the communal genre fan community and I think we’re all the worse for it.

My problem with Stardust is my reaction was “meh” when I watched it and now I can’t remember anything about it. For me, that’s pretty damning. I think I may remember DeNiro from it, but just remembering something because its “against type” isn’t a glowing recommendation.

I hate to put it in these terms, but WalMart is what happened to it.

I honestly disagree with this take. Capitalism is just the sum total of purchasing decisions. There are plenty of things Capitalism is responsible for, but Disney’s behavior is not one of them.

I always wonder if people don’t give enough credit to the idea that maybe there’s a distinct split between the kind of person who wants to see an existing property remixed endlessly and the type who likes a cohesive story with a beginning and end, and then a completely different story. And it’s not a toxicity thing

The “can’t get out of their own way” is a branding problem. Like it or not when WB releases anything there is a stick-in-the-mud contingent (not nearly as extreme as Sony) and whether that comes from it being just territorial Marvel fans or WB anti-fans from the Snyder era, I couldn’t tell you.