
I think like Whedon’s Wonder Woman script, we’ll just never know what it was until something leaks. The Alt-right/4Chan crowd are pretty predictable so if that’s what did it, I wouldn’t expect to see another Wonder Woman either and I doubt that will be the case.

Everyone’s mentioning the business side of it, but a large amount of that churn can also be laid at the feet of fan and audience reception which has ALSO been wildly inconsistent.

I think ultimately io9 has always had this specific problem as it comes to the intersection of queer identities and the greater genre/geek culture diaspora. io9 generally writes for the general audience often enough that it can seem inviting to a larger group than just the LGBTQ nerd. I don’t know, but I don’t think

I don’t see how you get that from my upstream comment specifically referring to their characters.  Most stories about even married couples don’t skip to the end and tell you they’re going to stay together.

Replying to Ungrey.

Not really interested in more of Harley and Joker but at the same time, the idea that Harley and Ivy will be together for the rest of the show seems… extreme. Not sure if that’s a reaction to some fans that pissed them off or what but that seems both dramatically limiting but also maybe sanding off a bit too much of

They’re not really overlapping the shows much so I’d say it’s more they just keep trying rather than Marvel.

I’m with you. I think watching the reaction to this series, I’m just struck that there is a level of the things we handwave (like species) allowing the comics to sort of wank themselves into Magneto being right is fine for an arc but becomes more troubling the longer it exists. When the entire point he IS a person who

I’m with you on this. I can’t make statements about Hugo award selection, but there is the type person who likes thinly veiled political screed that matches their views, and then the type of person who is ok with themes, but they need to the character/setting work to really be able to live and breathe on its own.

The problem is they don’t meet the definition/requirements of species. The central conceit is hand waved and that makes everything after it just the reader accepting the canon built on it.

There is a problem with this interpretation, but to be fair it’s the central logical problem of the X Men universe. The Mutants don’t meet the technical definition required for speciation which makes the distinction an arbitrary (social) one. Because of it the distinction between Superhero and Mutant also doesn’t

He is kind of secondary to the whole thing. For better or worse the discourse around the Snyder films was sort of the split where there was Nolan and then Marvel and then there was just Marvel. Many fan spaces and the demographics they represented ran to one side. A lot of the Nolan folk and cinema folk ran to the

He’s clearly crediting the movies that took the risk that no one would show. What’s borderline hilarious is if you only read io9; you’d think Shang Chi blew up the box office and Venom 2 never came out.  And if you read io9 for Shang Chi - the idea that no one would show was very real.

I’d laugh at the gaffe here - but in the 80's, those kids didn’t really know what popular 50's songs were either. They knew what 50's songs survived into common knowledge. More Elvis and those that died in The Day the Music Died and less Pat Boone and Johnny Mathis.

Do you think this sort of reveal is getting tired? Does the MCU really need even more heroes and villains? Time will tell.

You’re hitting on why many people take specific complaints about the system with a grain of salt.

I hope Shitani-san gets the call for another season. You can tell how the Anime industry tends to spit out it’s old VA’s so if they’re doing this it would be nice to see that the original VA is treated fairly.  Especially when the voice is so intentionally irritating and I’ll be honest I sort of have a pet peeve of

It’s Trigger. I’ll watch it.

I’d agree that 1 seems to be where they hit the sweet spot.  I remember 3 also being better than 2 but I only watched it once so no idea if that was actually true or not.

Absolutely.  People had an absolute ball with how terrible these films were.  They’re no as appealing as something like Troll2.  But even Red Letter Media’s “watching all 3 transformers films simultaneously” is absolutely hilarious.