
I think the problem is the Shipping crowd and the platonic/intimate male friendship crowd unfortunately are mortal enemies whether they should be or not.

Brushbacks against the shipping community are going to have that feel because shipping communities happen to veer more into pro-LGBT initiatives and a reaction to

Using the term “woke” in terms of shows/films tends to be pretty indicative of specifically conservative people. And I’m not really sure anything can be done about that - people aren’t going to stop being conservative randomly for fiction.

io9 generally doesn’t source outside of what used to be their science articles.  It drives me insane because in some cases they are absolutely not making it up, but yea there’s stuff like this where lacking anything to reference it feels like the opening salvo in some sort of culture war only apparent to the author.

I think that would be OK if they were starting from a different starting point. I can’t see it as being narratively a good idea when a large portion of your fanbase would have to rewatch the original to not feel bait and switched.

At best, what Smith can do is reset the table with some new stories and even if some of

Interesting to see them go this way. What’s been interesting with the attempts to cash in on properties I associate with my childhood has honestly been - well, the complete and utter reluctance to try to replicate why I (or people like me) were drawn to them in the first place. Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja

I’d argue that most of these things shouldn’t be designed for you (not you specifically - rather adult an who watches in addition to the primary demographic)

Most things that are good tend to be designed for whatever demographic that they’re going for - the fact that people outside that demographic start watching is

I mean me maybe?

Part of the weirdness of the abstraction of Nerd culture into one big thing rather than a bunch of small subcultures is that people forget “liked something as a kid” and being a fan can be the same thing. You didn’t have to go all the way to Cosplays and writes fanfic.

As a child, I found the designs

It absolutely did. Coates star was made during that same period. “Dunking on” is not new. His reparations piece is from 2014, 2 years before Trump. You may not like it, but it’s the same time period as Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Crowder were doing the same things on the right. Al Franken was also sending people up

Writers eat each other. That’s the way it’s always been and that’s the way it will always be short of legal protection. There’s always too many that want to tell a story and too few channels (or too few ways to get eyeballs). That’s why executives get paid what they do when you can’t point to any of them as being all

Yea - honestly I think the initial success of the kickstarter was actually what caused this. If it had taken in Indy money, you would think (although I could be wrong) Roberts direction would have been more specific - starting with certain game systems and expanding outwards once they were fixed because they would

Why is everyone ripping on Cena and not the Studio that didn’t back him? We KNOW why the studio didn’t, but they’re ultimately the ones towing this line and forcing their American actors to tow a CCP.

I think it’s very rare for a horror film to develop a cult following if it isn’t “off” in some way that seems novel. So I think you could still get away with the three stooges stuff - it’s just worth noting Raimi combined the Three Stooges stuff with very specific camera work - something we saw again in Spider-Man and

I feel like if Bautista could find the same directing/writing talent that Arnold did, he could have a Schwarzenegger like run.

Yep - The Boys is pretty solid.  Although it is a deconstruction, not necessarily something that would survive on its own without the rest of Comics.   Haven’t gotten to Invincible yet but I plan to.

I’m still of the opinion if you’re going to do that, just make your own thing. What kills me is here we are in 20's and we’re still regurgitating 60's & 70's Marvel, Bond, Red Sonja, Star Wars, Star Trek et. al and completely against putting our interest in new properties but then we’re going to be ashamed of and warp

For what it’s worth, I agree with you. Unless Red Sonja is just going to be a cast of mostly women, it’s really going to restrict where they can go with the male actors unless they’re just doubling down on she’s a short Red Sonja. From a film making standpoint, it’s not like you can’t cast everyone else accordingly -

People would do well to remember that the skill/personality set that it takes to build great wealth in the American capitalist system is to a large extent antithetical to the skill/personality that gives it all away. So to an extent, I’m not surprised to see how much trouble Jezebel, but leftist sites in general, tend

‘eh - Exception proves the rule though.
Yes politics has always had a part of sports. But no, politics has not always been omnipresent in it and frankly were it, they would be far less attended because it removes the escapism.

This is one of many cases where really the guidance should come directly for Blizzard. Blizzard needs to balance two things. First, their realistic obligations for having team’s in China. They don’t need to be unfair here. But they need to balance that against their responsibilities as an American company with Korean,

I usually don’t traffic in social justice intentions run amok, but this Cole Young thing - I just don’t have a better explanation for it other than an overcorrection from the problem of “didn’t want to be seen adding ‘yet another white guy’ protagonist in a martial arts movie” by casting a bi-racial protagonist with