
I’m glad that Marvel fans got their Spider-Man, but I’m honestly glad the Raimi films are having their moment. There’s just so many good ideas and great performances in them that it seemed a shame some people just want to hide them in a corner.  I do get it from a timeline perspective.

Upvote for The Station Agent.

This - until I see (if ever) what George R.R. Martin’s intended ending was with his intended pacing, it’s just impossible to know.

Flat out the fan base that existed post Season 3 was NOT one that seemed well versed in the Martin’s overall intent. They seemed more able to comprehend Danarys as a “white messiah” was

I’m not one that particularly hates when someone like Scorsese says something negative about the MCU or Ebert is dismissive of middling Sci-Fi/space-opera.

If that makes you feel comfortable, ok. Encounters with racism tend to be highly personal and varied. When this story first broke, another person from Dallas was describing he may see this once a year at most whereas the Overwatch player is describing this as constant - in terms of actual assault.

It’s the element of cartoonishness that he probably loves. Mineta just isn’t a real character (at least so far in the Anime). You see that in a lot of Japanese stuff where the mysogynist aspect of it is played for comedy, only in MHA it’s not an aspect of a character - it seems to be his only trait. He’s just an

This is correct and why Gamestop is mentioning it. Where Gamestop is screwed is they don’t realize any of that cash.

Amazon’s problem is it’s going to get smacked with regulation at some point. It’s just a cash factory that goes in and nuke’s whatever industry they feel like next.

Why wouldn’t they be though? I mean there are no shows about “here’s some men but they’re not assholes.” There could be. There are plenty of men like that. No one cares - it’s not dramatic and hence unsuitable for drama and news.

I’d be curious if anyone doesn’t believe it. I respect Verhoeven as an artist - you can tell he lived through war with how matter-of-fact he is in showing whatever it is he chooses to show.

I say this with all the tact I can: people need to start separating affiliations from crazy. There is 100% likelihood that there are unwell people online as we do nothing as a society to stop it. And for the last decade or so, people have been really ok with using that as evidence to abstract the entire group as such.

I blame that more on the the individual fan factions than the creators.

It’s fine. For some, the hate is so strong on Snyder that it’s really not worth it.

It’s an interesting conceit since memory and emotion are the same data in the brain. You don’t have objective and then subjective data stored in there. Still, Vision is a “computer” and a fictional character.

I don’t think it’s restricted to white men, but white men specifically are the ones most likely to be called on it in terms of of analyzing apologies.

Oh I don’t think it is per se. When I say gatekeepy, I mean the absolute religious fervor this particular topic seems to trigger in some of the staff/commentariat to where anyone who was even mildly ok with Snyder would question “am I in the right place?” And the reason it bugs me is in relation to his family, this

No idea why, but this post made me suddenly ok with yet another Justice League thread.

Probably. The anti-Snyder thing on this board has reached parody levels and a lot of us kind of are just trying to suss out where it went from “I don’t like Man of Steel” to almost some sort of IO9 Snyder catchism where every time a Snyder article gets posted we have to see just how “over it” everyone is. I mean maybe

Commentariat upset a film producer got a film produced. More at 11.

Read the comments. This Snyder v. Not-Snyder is deep into “a happening” territory. It’s just people kvetching.