
It’s going to be unpopular and that’s cool. But I think you should probably take the same lesson that the people criticizing you should take: people are highly variable in tolerances.

As for dropping the ball, I’m sort of mixed.

Honestly, considering “gameplay decisions” seems to be a recurring theme with Blizzard games I’d honestly throw the fanbase under the bus. They’re loud, they’re vocal, and they tend to be intolerant of some change, but not others.

When I was a kid, my mom was single and would be late to pick me up because she worked full time. So I spent a lot of time with teachers after hours before other students had cars. And I had that same conversation with one of the teachers, where honestly they would like to just drive me home on their way rather than

I think the bigger issue is that just by doing it in the manner he does it, it comes across as crass and begs that question. However I think part of the reason the US tends to stratify between “Murica” military supporters and liberals is Europe does leave a deficit in military spending (they have more butter) which

You know - for me one of the things that probably isn’t helping Mass Effect - is not everything needs to be a world-redefining 150+ hour open world RPG.

Ahh the IO9 comment section. Where I go for all my metaphorical wet-blanketing since Man of Steel.

I think it’s the most cathartic season, but not the best. Frankly you just rattled off in cast form why the 90's were so great. I like Kate. But when people reference the show they’re talking about her, or two people that are special guests and not the cast.

‘Eh. BoTW reviews and fan response is really starting to feel cultish. It’s like the second coming of 80's Nintendo fever where everything gets overrated and every other thing is crap.

Because Texas by and large is a state conservatives put so much money into to keep it Red and the national Democratic party ignores the state largely because of how much they’d have to invest.

That xkcd immediately breaks down if you immediately bring in the facts of the protest that occurred. A protest is fine. Using words is fine. But the Black bloc protesters that were there were being violent and causing damage in an effort to suppress. And while you may think because it’s for a worthy cause, its fine,

People referring to their mother to a third party?

Depends what you mean by Science Fiction honestly. I’m not going to argue if your reference is Star Wars, but I think the primary difference is Science Fiction is a projection of scientific concepts advanced which isn’t inherently unrealistic, it’s just speculative. There are more grounded Superhero properties out

I think what you’re actually papering over is she comes off as introspective with more going on under the surface than what’s being presented. Sometimes people consider it enigmatic and for others it just suggests a deeper character than the dialogue.

You’ve basically handwaved any ethical debate as glibbly as you’re accusing the critics of doing.

You’re confusing ethical with legal. Once is about whether its legal and this is.

I don’t have an opinion on the controversy, but I do believe you are incorrect that there is no ethical issues in play here. I feel like your logic is circular in trapped in the legal correctness which it is undoubtedly legally correct that Disney and the Estate have the legal right to do what they did.

As a film, it should have been shown as the special edition version period. The SFX were nice. I won’t defend the Theatrical release, but the special edition was pretty solid if not everyone’s cuppa.

Plenty of people knew who Robbie was. There’s probably the realistic view which was “how many comic book movie fans” knew, but there’s legit questions as to how many people who only show up for tent pole movies know anything in general about current film actors and directors on average.

I think that’s a misread of his character. Geralt is head over heels for one character whose primary motivation is not a relationship with him. You add to that another character who has taken advantage of Geralt in a mentally compromised state.