
‘Eh - to me that sounds like you’d rather see Star Trek deconstructed than Star Trek.

It’s really not that hard or something I’m trying to do. I’ve been on the boards since IO9 started (before DCEU bashing was even a thing really). The same people who do it tend to show up in multiple articles doing the same thing. You remember it the same way you remember the loudmouth at work - the behavior sticks

That made me giggle. But at the same time, the same people whining about Snyder were whining about Nolan’s EU. The whole thing is really old at this point.

If you’re expecting him to learn to make a Marvel movie, then I agree. That said, the first still he released was a WW shot. For his universe and the fanbase he’s got, yea he actually is learning.

And yet, DC makes massive money off the Injustice franchise which was a take that didn’t even exist 15 years ago. I haven’t even paid attention to that one, but I know it exists and people enjoy it.

People can have all the critiques they want. The question is does the US political system support political behavior like that and it only would if everyone did it at the same time.

Yes, I’m sure your franchise deserves special consideration the TMNT, Star Trek, Robocop, and Batman franchises don’t.

That fanbase won’t sell the movie. Hollywood tries to make four-quadrant movies generally: Under/over 25 and both men and women. The cheese fest that was the original show has very limited appeal in that context as a film.

No - it’s just Member Berries for slightly younger people than the original TMNT demo. It’s what kids watched before they had any idea what camp and cheese were.

Man, I see you all over this topic. Did one of these guys steal your cat or something?

You know, you’re contemptous but after the the 90,000th reviewer of Suicide Squad talking about Joker used the word “juggalo”, it’s kind of hard to make the case they didn’t have an impact.

You’re on a site (sites) that publicly shame citizens regularly if they do something the site finds offensive.

Not really. I just don’t think that’s a very portable joke and generally telling someone they are unappealing in that way generally is not taken as anything other than a “fat uggo” slam. It’s like anything else - the host (and even us commenters) don’t get to control what message is received and the joke is imprecise

There’s a difference between a professional stand-up comic on stage with their insults ready and an improv comic that thinks he’s there for an interview.

There is always a difference between a joke made at ones own expense and a joke made by someone else at yours.

I can’t but helping ultimately this is a body/attractiveness joke and not a joke relating to gender dynamics which she would absolutely get a pass on. This is an conventionally attractive person putting down a conventionally unattractive person.

It could be the family, not the location. Which is something I keep in mind knowing how many people from the north go off on how terrible the south is keeping in mind that historically this could be someone from a southern slave-keeping family insulting someone from a northern abolitionist one.

Nope. It’s where you went. Dallas has been largely Democratic since 95 with a brief interlude of Tom Leppert who frankly seemed rather Independant flavored for a Republican. And the state gerrymandered the districts, so you see Republicans overstated in terms of population (like most cities though since that’s coming

For me this is what fan culture has looked like the last several years though. Its taken on this sort of Statler & Waldorf (with lousy, self-repeating writing) vibe where many movies that I’d say aren’t protected by the majority of fans try to see how far they can push gang-mocking specific franchises (and its

For me, I think the disconnect is a conversation requires “dialogue” and that actually is going to require everyone to deal with data they don’t like. Some porn consumers will have to assimilate the idea perhaps their favorite actor/actress has a pretty dark story or that something they like has flaws. Some will have