
Thing is, Yoda was a subversion. He’s a muppet and he’s goofy... until he starts talking to Obi-Wan. Then you realize he’s multilayered. He affects his personality to get a read on Luke. After that, the only thing that’s truly funny about him is how he looks, and if you instinctively laugh at his speech pattern. But

Lucas was thinking the same thing Best just said: whether Jar-Jar was liked being beside the point, Lucas was trying to stretch what films could do by introducing one of the first fully start to finish CGI characters in a major film. That was the point of Jar Jar.

Jar Jar Binks is the epicentre of so many people’s rage about the issues of the Star Wars prequels

That sort of implies the issues with the film had nothing to do with her tastes to begin with. There’s no guarantee she wanted to do this film or is a huge comic nerd or feels the character particularly resonates with her.

Feel free to find it troubling. People claiming things against the Clintons is old (and at a certain point I can’t pretend there isn’t political motivation or the suddenly concerned should have been talking about this in 2000 which is a year after the last date accusations even were really talked about.)

100% Vetting? No. There are too many stops and too many localities that different people get used. Sure, they try to have an idea and they do their best to prevent it from backfiring, but no most campaigns do no expect a politician speaking on behalf of their candidate to require the candidate subsequently address any

That would be odd logic, as 99.9% of the people who campaign for someone are not background checked thus require public response from a candidate. Candidates don’t need to justify, condone, or condemn the actions of every person that is used to turn out voters.

Your stuff is stupid. No YOUR stuff is stupid.

Problem is, by “now” you mean something that was released on December 10th and recorded on November 9th. Having seen it at that time, I sort of agree with Whedon, that the web sort of has a tendency to take the worst thing it can find, remove the context of the quote, and then fire it off. It happened with this

Why would I be mad? They had to clean it up and now Blue Bell is back on the shelves. Win win for me.

Animus for Abrams is overrated and I say that as a person who’s jam IS Star Trek and was angry with him over the second film. He’s a competent although unremarkable director that nevertheless does often have his eye on the correct thing when it comes to making movies. Things like Super 8 and Star Trek 2009 are

The assumption is that everyone consumes media the same way. For example, I’m a theater guy so people doing wacky multiracial casting is not only old-hat for me, I generally expect it. I remember the kerfuffle over white MLK in England (one of two actors cast in the same role), which is already a country removed and

Please, please, please can we just not with the Lucas baiting?

People discount how regional that cheering and clapping thing is though. I generally get pissed when people start that bs, largely because it isn’t a play, Abrams isn’t there, and I don’t care what you thought of it.

Which is still a war crime.

He’s not there because he’s awesome. He’s there because of what he represents to Luke, and that’s it. All the Force-ghost stuff the prequels created sort of screws with that scene, but within the framwork of the OT it works. It is Luke seeing his father as he once was. Not some sort of cosmic punishment device for

I do truly feel sorry in some respects for character actors like Lee. I’m sure guys like Christopher Lee or even lesser known character actors like Robert Davi have the charm to play something other than “generic bad guy x” but film has always had a bizarre fascination with codifying some actors as evil or good by

But just because you know the story doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy The Shannara Chronicles for what it is: a pleasant adventure series, with a strange sort of charm to it.

If self-preservation were her thing, I’m not sure why Finn would be a worthy target. She could be angry, but self-preservation puts her more in the Han Solo mode. She’d probably just go get a job.

I could probably deal with that better than some suggestions which basically have her as some sort of variation on the “becomes good” thing.