
No, she ordered her division to open fire on unarmed civilians after her division subdued them with heavy fire.

As someone who does argue, I’ll just say it is and it isn’t.

I can’t star this enough. Wait, I take that back heretic. Y-Wings are amazing.... for bombing things.

This. As much as I’m no fan of the prequels, as Star Wars fans it might be good to not get into the “X should have been Y” thing. The problem with Anakin was largely that the prequels were bad. Plinkett reviews go into the depths of narrative problems, but even The Clone Wars were constrained by the characterization

Ain’t that the truth. Fun fact was I used to not be greyed here until the last Kinja update. And I usually did have fairly nice conversations but I’m a really nuanced person and not a bright, sunshiny “I agree with everything you just said” person. In the old system, that was fine and enough people knew me that the

You know I was actually shocked in retrospect how much SW kept to itself despite the amount of footage it released largely by using footage that wasn’t used in the film and by using lots of footage from the same section of the movie.

I’m not a producer so I’m not sure why you’re trying to convice me. I’m just saying why it happens.

I’ll stick to my usual thing of avoiding sites I know will post them, Twitter, and largely controlling myself. Seems cheaper and less prone to horrible sci-fi side effects.

Most CGI now is assited with mocap, so simply looking for a voice talent may not work.

The flaw in that is the expectations of sales tends to keep changing the goalposts. So if I have a 5 dollar game but people will only buy it at 1 dollar I could change it to 1 dollar. But because of the sales behavior, my new perceived price is 1 dollar so no one’s buying until it’s free.

To an extent, I imagine your correct. Just saving one person in the midst of that might have shut some people up. But I suspect we still would have seen some complaining. And I’m not sure it’s realistic for Zod to be concentrating on beating up Superman and Superman to have time to both deal with that AND run around

Thing is, that tactic didn’t work in the Republican primaries because that’s the base they’ve cultivated (and are just now realizing to their own horror.) It will work for Clinton (look at her Real Clear Politics numbers head-to-head) because the moderates, independents, and obviously Democrats are not the base Trump

Honestly, it’s a pretty hip opinion. As a cinophile, I have no problem with people saying they dislike his movies because they are in many ways extremely specific.

You know most of this is pretty egregious but I always hate the shaver comparisons personally for this reason: it’s one product I know a lot of men seek to find the cheapest acceptable razor possible because how regularly they shave means if they’re careless it turns into a huge expense. Mainly because they shave

It is the classic dramatic strategy. It’s the nuclear option. And it does work... provided you don’t continually or are expected to reset continuity to undo it. That’s why I tend to love it in regular drama but I hate it with a passion in comic books.

I think it will get answered “in the text” as it were, but that’s been my impression thus far. It is not explicitly answered. And someone elsewhere floated Ben’s age as around 30. Again, nothing in the text so far.

Weirdly enough, that may be a “blame the fans” situation. I know my wife keeps hoping for great things from Sansa (and I don’t think she’s alone), but by this same point of the book she’s sidelined from all action in the Eyrie.

I’m not so sure Luke forgives his father. It’s more that he refuses to believe he is irredeemably evil. The metaphor is about Luke reconciling his origin and becoming whole (one reason I believe many people tune him out for the Han and Leia B story which is more universal.)

Well if they were allowed to escape, then remarking on Luke’s skill with a blaster is a bit silly since the other side wasn’t trying anyway. So I’m not even sure why that was a point.

Many people do though. For me, Star Wars was born in cinema and is almost a pitch perfect creation of that form. I don’t mind people having fun with it (I loved Tie Fighter) but I only had to accept that stuff into my head canon as much as I chose to. This is a bit different.