
I agree with this. All of it. The thing is, it’s not that their epilogue needed to be picturesque. It’s that it’s hard for me to deal with the three of them being so epic in their failure that Luke has been hiding for decades and Han and Leia’s entire lives feel like a setup to someone else’s plot.

One of the reasons I hate the new kinja is because no one ever sees previous conversations before posting. The Anakin thing has been covered, but yea Luke spends his childhood without a father so if someone decides to get descriptive it needs to be differentiated. I’m sorry if people don’t like how ambiguous that

Oh, I gotcha. Yea... that’s the problem with Luke and Anakin since they’re both fatherless kids when we meet them.



For one movie/book though. Every other subsequent book/film makes the audience well aware Hermoine is better than him and he is largely where he is because everyone else has put him in that spot. He is never shown “out magic’ing” Snape, Dumbledore, or Voldemort. The only thing that happens is plot and happenstance

I think they will play that angle up in subsequent movies. It didn’t come across that way on screen, but for the arcs of both characters it does make sense that he’s not trying to end it with her in the way he definitely is with Finn who he views as a traitor.

Really all Luke does is jump out of the carbonite chamber in time. The rest of the time, Vader pretty much mops the floor with him. Round 1, he fights him off one handed. Round 2, he just sort of pelts him with objects. Round 3, Vader pretty much just makes sure he corners Luke before removing his hand.

I feel bad that people have to defend Rey. As a character I was completely fine with her, although I do wonder if what some fans are doing at this point is suffering from a bit of tonal whiplash.

We are. But my personal opinion at this point having watched this play out over 20+ years of noticing it, is that those of us who do challenge it aren’t really noticed. There are two groups who tend to dominate that conversation: bro-ish troglodytes who derive humor from that sort of thing and feminist women who are

Considering what they’re having Rey do now with zero training, I’m not so sure how silly one week’s training is.

I think my point is, it isn’t trying to be anything deeper than it is. That was the thing about ID4 as well. Both JW and ID4 basically mine the existing tropes and archetypes and just throw them together in a spectacle. It’s just dumb, enjoyable entertainment.

Sure. Lots of movies are competently constructed and mildly enjoyable without being substantial. Jaws 3D is actually a terrible movie on a structural level. Jurassic World is entirely designed for you to enjoy the ride while munching popcorn.

Then just understand that you are but a voice in the viewership. For me, ASOIAF really doesn’t have a problem and I find the world coherant with an understandable ethos. It is not a universal ethos.

We’ll never know. Her campaign isn’t the one that did it.

Essentially it could have been scraped which is a fine line distinction. That is, there’s no direct download but you can have a program crib the data for you in which case you can still rebuild large sections of the database programatically by simply accessing whatever web page it is and copying out the table data on

I’m always curious why Superman or Wonder Woman aren’t gaunt or even fat. If no amount of resistance actually taxes them, how would their muscles ever develop any definition in the first place?

By that logic they could keep making Lucas-esque Star Wars prequels and everyone should be fine with that.

Not sure why I couldn’t like this post to ungrey it, so here’s a reply that does the same thing.

I’ll give you two but then I’m tapping (I’m just tired), the film sets up a very specific theme of struggle with self-destruction for Bruce and resolves it through Alfred, Bane, the prison, and symbolic sacrifice. The theme is clear, the tone is clear, and Caine’s acting is so great that frankly I found it astounding