
Former Sephora skincare consultant here.  The sad part about this is that Sunday Riley’s products do work, so she didn’t even NEED to fake these reviews.  Yes, you can get less expensive alternatives (everyone’s skin is different - different people respond to different ingredients) but their UFO oil in particular was

My mom is a bankruptcy attorney and when she talks to her clients, she points to Joe and Teresa as what NOT to do in bankruptcy.  Also, these two supported Trump, so they’re reaping what they’ve sown.  I feel bad for their kids, but that’s about it.

This is a perfect example of when you find out whether people who say “believe women” are being sincere or if they’re just saying “believe women, unless you really like the actor.” Because I love The Actor Jeremy Renner in Marvel movies, but I can’t imagine his ex would make this kind of thing up with such specificity

I know exactly where that is.  And I’m pretty sure a statue of some guy shrugging would sum up how most of the Catholics I know feel about going to church.

Oh, hey fellow Clevelander! I have a few friends who went to Iggy’s and they say the same thing. I don’t think any of them ended up particularly religious at the end of the day. The most I ever really experienced of that school, though, was that I actually went to their prom one year with a guy I met at the Thespian

I never wanted to reach through a computer and smack someone as much as I wanted to do it when Lindsey Graham was red-faced and screaming on behalf of that prick. We all know Kavanaugh did it.

I am so, so sorry that all this happened to you and that you felt like you needed to hold so much of it in for so long.  Please know that you aren’t alone in all this - and I’m glad that you have a husband who you felt comfortable talking to about it.

I’m so sorry that happened to you.  You deserved better.

To be honest, I don’t know.  I would like to think it was genuine because it was his last year, and he didn’t really have to play those games anymore.  Also, Garland is a measured jurist who would have served the bench well.  Perhaps not as liberal as RBG, but then, who is?

Yup. My dad and his siblings went to Catholic school all their lives. When I was about ready to go to kindergarten, my grandmother offered to pay for Catholic school for me because we lived in a not-great school district in Cleveland.

You know, I was extraordinarily disappointed that Gorsuch was put on the Court when it damn well should have been Garland, and I don’t like him either, but at least I can stomach him. The mere thought of “Justice Brett Kavanaugh” makes me sick.

But not weather maps. ;) 

I don’t know how I managed to retain it after law school! Thank you!

Thank you love!!

Thank you! <3

This is my Saturday: a bar, a glass of wine, and Loki fanfic.  And yes, I hand write my drafts.  How are y’all? 

I wrote this after the Brock Turner trial and then-known-as Emily Doe’s victim impact statement. I’m copying and pasting it here because I’m going to start reading her book soon and I felt like it was appropriate to share.

What this really teaches us is that Hunter Biden is just a total nightmare for everyone he’s involved with.

Well for what it’s worth, technically I broke up with him. I realized he was acting distant and finally just asked if he wanted to break up. He said he would have “gotten around to it eventually.” So... I don’t know what would be worse  

YAAAAAAS!!! And my email is in my profile there so you can feel free to reach out as well!