If you do, watch Kai, not the original. Alternatively you can watch DBZ Abridged on Youtube which is hilarious, shows the important fight scenes, and actually does a decent job of telling the narratives despite being a parody.
If you do, watch Kai, not the original. Alternatively you can watch DBZ Abridged on Youtube which is hilarious, shows the important fight scenes, and actually does a decent job of telling the narratives despite being a parody.
I feel like the N64/PS1 nostalgia is more for gameplay and artistic style (i.e. the Banjo Kazooie inspired game, the Crash Bandicoot HD remaster) than for the actual “lets use 6 triangles to make a face”, but that may be just me. Compare that to SNES games, where you have a “re-master” of Final Fantasy VI and…
At least you are honest. I’d do the same for a Half-Life 3 or a HL2:Ep3
Sonic Mania works because by the time S3&K came out, it was the golden age of 2D gaming. No one looks at the Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox era and goes, gee I miss all the super pointy models and crappy textures.
This. It’s like they aren’t even trying with Ryo’s face texture. Even the mask salesman in Majora’s Mask has less rigid and creepy emoting than him.
Do people care about the process, probably not. I will push back about whether or not they care about the result. Most people on IG seem to expect that all pictures are hypersharp, hypervivid, to a fault. Good, deliberately softer photos tend to be ignored because the colors don’t pop as much. That’s just the reality…
Honestly I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with the hassle of PATA/IDE ribbons anymore. Those things were a nightmare to get around an aftermarket heatsink and a big video card.
Halo’s weapon design is probably the best of any FPS. Every gun is incredibly different yet each race has very clear design philosophies and there are some universal design principles that exist across the races and are fairly obvious when you pick up a gun and use it for the first time (e.g. the BR/Carbine/Light…
I think it’s also fair they picked it so they can use a much more recognizable foreign actor with the Romans than say the Nubians or Hittites if they had picked Ramses II, which is pretty much the only other major pharaoh Americans know of. (excluding the boring King Tut)
Plus there is way more clear cut potential…
That’s why the first thing you should do when sitting down to edit is cull. Digital photography is a double edged sword—you can take a lot more photos and upload them anywhere, but that means a lot more crap gets through. Don’t be that person, and please—PLEASE—don’t sit people down for a slide show until you’ve at…
Honestly, editing is one of the most enjoyable parts of digital photography. I do it even on photos I end up not posting, because sometimes in the moment I’ll be sloppy and forget to set the exposure right or frame it wrong. With editing I get to fix the image to show what my mind’s eye saw when I took the picture,…
If you create or learn new recipes that actually call for it, that’s great. But I think the idea of “white rice is bad” is moronic. An entire continent used it for millennia as their primary carbohydrate source, and there is no evidence rates of obesity were staggeringly higher relative to Andean civilizations. And…
Except the whole problem with sub x for y, is you get can get shitty food that just don’t taste good. If a recipe calls for white rice, lots of times it just does not taste good with quinoa. (Trust me, no Asian from the Mideast to Japan will ever happily substitute white rice for quinoa) And so you will get people…
Someone clearly has never played a DBZ fighter. Wave attacks like the kamehameha and galick gun have always been treated differently than hadoken style “fireballs”. They are actually treated more like a series of rapid punches and depending on the game a wave attack can break guard halfway through and then do the…
You realize rust is probably more likely to kill your knife over your lifetime than take off a few molecular layers to create a new edge. Also the knife doesn’t have to last forever. It literally has to last long enough for you to either want and afford to get a new better one or until you die.
Totally unrelated, but god he looks so young. I love the fact that during basically all of John Oliver’s TDS tenure he looked like Harry Potter in a suit and he only started caring about his look once he was on Last Week Night and HBO probably intervened.
He’s definitely what would be an “init” tank in the MOBA world. I think if they want to keep these nerfs, they should give him a damage boost if he lands hook. Also I feel like being able to hook allies would be interesting but everyone in the forums seems convinced that would just be too much risk for trolling.
I don’t buy that. He’s clearly based off Pudge in DotA, whose whole gimmick was hide and stalk and then hook and overwhelm. There is nothing wrong with that mechanic, unless people didn’t feel like the hook’s mechanics were fair (which you can fix by slowing the hook, but increasing the range and increasing the CD)…
I mean, Frog Ginyu was the fan favorite that Xenoverse was so desperately missing.
They also were way way smaller and cost a lot less money to make. There are a lot of issues with the modern gaming world and how things work, but you can’t deny how much harder and more expensive a AAA title is now than in the 80s/90s.