Glad we are in agreement. Have a nice day.
Glad we are in agreement. Have a nice day.
All fighting games are rock-paper-scissors by this logic.
From Heather in another post: “This isn’t quite true. Unlocking framerate actually can affect loading and there’s actually mods for prominent games that toggle VSync and frames during load times. You transition faster from loading screen to the game itself and that time can add up.”
Basically the issue boils down to…
Eh that’s probably the least weird scenario. Personally I found that people taking selfies or even asking their photo to be taken outside of the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam was a much more jarring sight. And I feel like taking a tourist getting their picture in the middle of a prayer service is just rude, and can…
You feel like they should give up their seats to women presumably because of some traditional sense of gender norms. That’s patronizing for you to think that women want men to be getting up so they can sit down. Implies that they are physically less capable of standing for 20 minutes.
This is a bad, patronizing take. If they are able-bodied and a disabled, elderly, sick, or parent/guardian with small children need a seat, they should give it up. If it is anyone else over the age of 12, regardless of sex, and they aren’t in major discomfort, there is no reason men have to give up seats.
The real rule…
I think he isn’t too worried about legacy. I think he legitimately feels that the Cavaliers front office is just horribly toxic and he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his prime years working with people who apparently don’t value having a GOAT potential player. He already brought a championship to Cleveland and made…
This game looks flawless. I love Xenoverse but it is not a real fighting game. Honestly this is the first game that gives me chills of Hyper Dimension, which has been basically the best balanced DBZ fighter of all time.
This. It was annoying as hell that higher level Civ 5 AI basically gets infinite happiness, essentially no building or unit costs, and does not need to scout. But honestly it is way too hard for developers to create an AI that will remain challenging even as people’s understanding of the meta game evolves. Either…
Agreed. Plenty of cheap laptops still only have one or two USB 3 ports out of the 4. Latency in adoption should never be underestimated, and there are plenty of USB 1.1/2.0 peripherals still being used everywhere. USB-C will kill USB the same way HDMI killed VGA: we will avoid using it as much as possible, but there…
The problem is that the updated graphics didn’t even make it easier for old machines to be able to run TF2. Laptops that could run TF2 in late 2009 weren’t able to after 2011. The lighting was reworked to handle a lot of the later maps and items which were outside of the original TF2 aesthetic more than trying to…
“The engine is ancient” - CS GO has the same engine as TF2. Portal 2 has the same engine as TF2, hell Titanfall 2 has the same base engine as TF2. Once the game became hat city, which I am going to assume was not a trivial addition to the codebase, they could have pushed an update at somepoint over the decade long…
Oh they still create new words all the time. They just continue to use the same phoneme spelling patterns. It’s really great.
Only in English. Other languages are quite fine having consistent phonemes.
I’ll push back a bit on “floor model.” Totally depends on what the product is whether or not it’s fine to get the floor model. Floor model cell phone? Probably not, the screen is likely burnt out. Floor model refrigerator? As long as you don’t find any cosmetic defects, the fridge itself is probably essentially…
The original Zelda was a great game, but I think Link to the Past hands down improved the experience by creating a much much stronger narrative component and a degree of world building that just wasn’t possible back on the NES. Similarly I loved SMB 1 and 3 (never really played 2 much), but Super Mario World just…
The quality gap between the average SNES and NES game is massive. NES games still didn’t know what they were doing until like the very end of the console cycle.
Also these are all really really good SNES games. I totally understand why this costs this much.
The quality gap between the average SNES and NES game is massive. NES games still didn’t know what they were doing until like the very end of the console cycle.
Also these are all really really good SNES games. I totally understand why this costs this much.
Japanese FF III only came out for Famicom/NES, so they wouldn’t have a ROM for it.
It’s a way to grieve together. Helps people cope and accept the loss. You may prefer doing it alone, but while no one is happy funerals exist, plenty of people want to go through a ritual of saying goodbye with other individuals who knew the person.