Blade of Change

This. I went up to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks because the guy you meet in the execution seems super reasonable, but then you see how they treat their Dunmers and it just seems way more unsavory. I actually thought that was really great writing on the part of the devs, because playing as a Bosmer I felt pretty

This. Remember Trump selected Kushner as a special envoy to the Israeli-Palestine conflict essentially just because he’s Jewish. The man gives no shits about substance just about optics, but the problem is he’s evidently blind.

Don’t forgot your love of cheating football teams. (Chicagoan here so I have no pride at all for my team)

My dad let me play with his secondary computer when I was a toddler. This was the early 90s so it didn’t even have Windows on it, just MS-DOS. I had to learn how to read in order to type the console commands to play games. I ended up falling in love with math and comp sci and am now getting a PhD in public health

Hey it’s also tough as a liberal/dem socialist American to play that game. I kept just having all the industries bottom out whenever I tried to balanced the budget using taxes on high wealth industries.

Debatable. I think the delivery is better on the Clefairy one. The “FUUUCK” is just priceless and the shortness of the clip just adds more tension and drama.

I had it running in the background for like a solid minute and a half while I was posting it on facebook to mourn the end of Vines. I still broke down laughing around the 10th time.

Dude until you write your own “Treatise of Human Nature” I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen to Scottish philosopher and national treasure, David Hume.

I keep flipping between negative and positive.

His impression of Asian men is that they apparently have no business trying to ask out White and Black girls. So, I feel like his judge of character and value are kind of out of whack at this point.

God I’ve never thought about it but yeah, why are there no spears or polearms in TES games. Given the existence of horse combat, that would be an amazing option.

Now playing

First thing I thought of when I saw the city trailer...

This. That with their outfits and Link’s circular shield are giving me echoes of Skyrim now that I’m replaying that. I would be very OK playing a Skyrim/Zelda mashup.

The direction is phenomenal. It’s like a more matured Windwaker, which imho was probably the best in art direction before seeing this trailer. It flows so smoothly and Link and Epona galloping through the fields is just so glorious.

Rookie mistake. Never read Trib comments. In general local paper comments (i.e. anything thats not NYT or WaPo) may be one of the few comment circles worse than YouTube.

It’s because we just want your affection.

Yeah I guess the scroll perspective thing technically makes it not always isometric, but Civ5 also has a rotatable camera so I feel like thats being haphazardly applied.

Way to bring this thread back to life, but yeah I was not talking as much about size as quality and impact. I think DotA Allstars should be on this list because it was the iteration of Aeon of Strife games that introduced that genre to much of the gaming world. League, DotA2, HotS, along with some older ones that

tl; dr: She sleeps guys. Apparently is a big fan.