Blade of Change

She has narrow, almond eyes without a prominent epicanthal fold. Aka “Asian eyes”. I mean she may descend in part from central Asia or Mongol heritage but there are a lot of Russian women with those features. Models and women generally (both Asian and otherwise) can use heavy eyeshadow and liner to make their eyes

This. Honestly though thank you for showing us exactly how the first extra-terrestrial contact will go down in space: alien scans us, leaves, and then we instinctively shoot at it.

It’s almost like it’s a themed photoshoot in honor of a video game character.

She’s Russian... I don’t really see how her other cosplays don’t look like her or how you came to the conclusion she is non-white. Case and point this example which perfectly sums up the feeling I have regarding your comment:

Upon rewatching it I noticed this. I blame you heeltoe.

WAIT THIS IS A THING? I’ve been doing the 3 entry trick from F03 and NV for nothing....

LED Edison Bulbs are honestly sexy both in aesthetic and in power efficiency.

It’s as if a million voices cried out saying “SAVAGE” and then gave stars. 

Human variation is human variation. That’s not my issue. My issue is the belief that your body shape (i.e. rectangular versus trapezoidal) somehow determines how quickly you put on or lose weight. Your bone structure is not your metabolic rate.

Honestly somatotypes are just made up categories by a psychologist in the 40s who really had no understanding of metabolism. As a medical student, we were never taught about them and their names make literally no biological sense at all. Physical trainers need to stop buying into this bullshit because a person’s

The vast majority of the most recent episode just felt too canned. Richard gets a V8 Mustang in England and he barely plays with it besides the drag race against a Focus RS and an overly scripted ‘car chase’. Then there is the painfully scripted banter between Jeremy and the American during the timed lap. They

What grounds would you have? Christmas is a federally recognized holiday. And the Courts have already ruled on this, pointing out that regardless of the religious origins of Christmas, it’s cultural significance is a good enough reason to have it be recognized by the federal government:

This. And Nate apologized for it pretty much in no uncertain terms for the the Republican primary. He admitted, in anti-pundit-like fashion, that he assumed ‘convention wisdom’ would dictate that as the pool of candidates dwindled they would rally around a Jeb, Marco, or Ted, instead of just trusting the polls. And

This. And Nate apologized for it pretty much in no uncertain terms for the the Republican primary. He admitted, in anti-pundit-like fashion, that he assumed ‘convention wisdom’ would dictate that as the pool of candidates dwindled they would rally around a Jeb, Marco, or Ted, instead of just trusting the polls. And

Bullshit. If anything its white men/women who do not feel immediately threatened that pull this kind of shit. Us minorities know that the media is always just dying to put a story of how Brownie/Blackie is uncivilized, because those are ratings gold. As a brown Middle Eastern man, I’m getting to the point that I’m

There is a difference between public demonstration and outrage leading to a mobilization of at risk and disenfranchised citizenry against a terrible president and verbally assaulting a private citizen. What benefit do we get by threatening a mother with her children on their vacation? Whose minds have we changed?

No but the issue isn’t that these are only stealing the matching mechanic. It’s that a bunch of them are positioning themselves as “unofficial expansions” to CAH and stealing the exact aesthetic in order to sell their own product. People who don’t know better may confuse the brands and given how IP works, the CAH

As a Muslim who grew up watching the Christmas specials, doing the whole school winter recital (aka 4 Christmas songs, and 1 Hanukkah and 1 Eid song) thing, and buying and sending holiday cards, my family realized the important things were treating ourselves to what we wanted (waiting to open presents is overrated in

Just because you celebrate secular Christmas doesn’t non-Christians want to celebrate it. I’m Muslim and when I was a kid my parents told me that Santa Claus didn’t exist for a very simple reason, we didn’t have a fireplace. Now could they have concocted a ridiculous explanation to justify how a random stranger

His cracking wise was thing, but that line paired with its delivery and framing of its shot just seemed too much on the nose. Like Vader made that pun and then was waiting for the director to acknowledge how great a pun it was. I could practically hear James Earl Jones saying “Get it? Choked? Like Force Choke?”