The number one complaint I have with Rogue One is Darth “Dad Joke” Vader making fun about choking on aspirations (which is a double pun cuz aspirating in medical terms means choking, so witty)
The number one complaint I have with Rogue One is Darth “Dad Joke” Vader making fun about choking on aspirations (which is a double pun cuz aspirating in medical terms means choking, so witty)
Why is it ridiculous to call him out? I don’t understand why people here are offended by former collaborators letting the public know, “Hey don’t work in good faith with this guy, he will probably stiff you.” If you’re cool with that then fine, go watch him or go into business with him. Other people, however,…
You clearly have never worked with someone who is trying to start up a website. We are talking high school and college kids trying to get some side money and maybe testing the waters for whether or not this shit is career viable. I worked on a blog making $15 a post. My payment was in the form of Paypal gifts and…
It’s an incremental process. There are easy changes you can make, like adding specificity when telling a joke or a story or stepping out of the narrator role and playing the character you are describing for a second to add effect. The physical slapstick humor ironically is probably the hardest to pull off, and can…
This. I’m just constantly taken back at how no civ wants to do an equal exchange of luxury resources. I add some surplus salt to my empire, all the other civs contact me to trade it, but all they offer is like 2 GPT and 20 lump gold, maybe open borders. I ask them for just one of their spare incense and they flip the…
As a scientist trying to get funded by federal grants from one of the major funding organizations, this offers some relief that they may not totally gut funding within the next year, just because they are too incompetent.
Next day: 300 pages of policy briefs which are all just TRUMP POLICY ON _______________: (pick one of BIG LEAGUE/YUGE/TREMENDOUS) on gold leaf stationary.
See this can’t even be true, because if he watched a half season of the West Wing he would know there is a massive White House staff.... Unless of course he thought all of those offices were just empty and the main cast made up the entire workforce of the White House.
God we are soooooo fucked.
Calling a Reince Preibus an adult is a fucking stretch. He has the swarmyness of an East Coast boarding school teenager in a 1980s movie. Not to mention he was a fucking coward during the primary process and would just keep shrugging his shoulders when asked how he felt that the Trump was dismantling the party he was…
This is empirically true. G Gundam is basically one of the big anime that people would parody to make of the genre. Its writing is terrible, its English dub delivery is pretty goddamn mediocre, but it’s still just a joy to watch for pure nostalgia’s sake.
I may have squeeed when I unlocked Domon and Master Asia in…
I find it amazing how perspective over time messes with you. I remember when I was kid our 27" CRT TV was just absolutely massive and the perfect size for our den. Now I have a 27" ultrawide monitor that I’m typing this on and I can’t even imagine having anything smaller on this desk and the 55" LCD TV I have seems…
Bulls basketball has been an ordeal to watch since 1998. We manage to keep convincing ourselves we have the magic combination of players and then watch as franchise completely falls apart in the post season, or even worse with last season. The White Sox won in 2005, before that they won in 1917. So yeah huge…
As a Chicago sports fan, you have a long way to go before you know what losing really feels like.
As a dude, I literally don’t understand guys who get worked up after one or two dates when the girl says no. Just move the fuck on and be happy no one’s time is being wasted. If you’re annoyed, go vent about it to your bros later, but verbally harassing your date isn’t going to suddenly make you attractive.
Executive Order 9066 is all that needs to be said. People like to say “oh forced deportation/concentration camps can never happen in America, we have a constitution!” but Japanese Exclusion and Internment affected 120,000 people, majority US citizens. Even after their release, lives were ruined and for a lot of them…
This. As a developer (not of the game variety, more data scientist) I have a bunch of console prints which are basically: “Goddamnit, the bug is back.” in different forms, and I never take them out.
Also my comments are profanity laden, but developers have to vent somehow.
I think it’s a particularly American tendency to a fault that we judge people on almost entirely individual basis, in the sense that we tend to view a lot of health problems as individual moral failings (e.g. obesity, addiction, mental health, etc.) instead of a product of complicated interactions between people,…
Glad to find the thread with all the fellow Kotaku-ites chilling in Deadspin. Also FF V is a way underappreciated game. The job system was phenomenal.
I forget if it was Civ III or Civ IV but I remember requesting like 99999999 GPT as an attempt to piss off my enemy, and it actually working and breaking the game afterwards. Gotta love those exploits.