Blade of Change

I’ve found the AI is weird about deal accepting. Sometimes they refuse to accept a deal I offer them and when I ask them what will make this work they actually negotiate themselves lower. Its an odd bug I’ve noticed happen a lot with GPT and lump sum Gold

You fucked up on the internet. How could you?! /s

This. Trajan berated me for centuries for having too small of an empire, and then I add like 4 cities and he says nothing to me. Meanwhile he congratulates Victoria who has literally 2 cities.

As a Persian, I was not happy that I was going to pick Scythia this time around, but I love her so much now. I managed to completely wipe the English army with just like 6 units.

I never set engineers on auto in Civ V, (the builder AI basically was: is it pre-renaissance? lets make a farm here. is it post-renaissance? lets make a trading post here) but I love the fact I no longer just have hordes of engineers sitting around doing nothing anymore. 

Newt was just auditioning for his primetime slot on TrumpNewz, the streaming news service for your TVs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and self-driving cars at the reasonable price of $12/mo. For only $12/mo you can avoid all that lamestream establishment media bias and hear the real truths America just isn’t ready

Thank you for explaining what they meant by paint. I was wondering why there was no oil below her knees. Now I only see paint.

It’s way better than BE. They reworked a lot of mechanics, and most of them are better than in Civ 5. Also the leaders have lots of personality (goddamn Victoria announcing in 3800 BC tells me I’ll be a great colony in the future British Empire) and city states keeping city states happy doesn’t feel like a goddamn

You got unlucky, I wouldn’t call that a bad call. After last week I dropped Palmer too, because the only reason I won is that I had David Johnson save the day. Might as well just cut out the middle man.

Honestly Palmer is trash. He repeatedly screwed me this league and I wouldn’t be surprised if Hoyer still outperforms him.

Science classes are pretty much exclusively are taught in the metric system. No chemistry teacher wants to hear how many foot-pounds of chemical potential energy are released by combusting ethanol, because it just sounds so stupid.

Hey man a bunch of us want to. I have no idea how many ounces are in a quart off the top of my head and I don’t think I’ll ever remember.

I know it does technically (was being facetious), but as a LoL and DotA player I felt that HotS laning phase was basically non-existent compared to other MOBAs. Granted this was back a long time ago and I don’t know how the meta has developed since then.

There’s farming in HOTS?

Anytime, pal.

You realize that Kinja doesn’t show us all the replies to your posts. But hey, now you know to research shit before you say them.

Hey being First Lady of Arkansas (I’m going to pretend that’s the term, correct me if I’m wrong) apparently lets you unilaterally reform federal tax policy. At least that’s what Trump taught me last week. Don’t know why my civics book left that out.

Red Dead Redemption was the one game that actually never got a PC release. So you know...

Oh shut the fuck up. You cannot whine about how only US politics are zero-sum if you haven’t interacted with other political systems. In the vast majority of republican or parliamentary nations (e.g. Asian, African, Latin American states) the levels of political corruption make the Democratic party look like a goddamn