
The announcers were talking about it yesterday. Supposedly before yesterday it had never happened at this track. Now it has happened twice in one weekend, it just seems like a two very rare occurrences that happened to happen very close together. NASCAR definitely needs to do something about it but, the odds of it

NASCAR needs a new rule.

Damn Stef, how did you find the video so fast? I was going to post this to oppo but I couldn’t find a video, you’re like a ninja.

Not too weird given the age of the car but, the ‘79 Lincoln I just bought came with a bunch of 8-tracks in the trunk.

It’s not exactly apples to apples but, people under 21 in the military can drive semis after they are trained. We had a 17 year old in one of the units I was in the could out drive quite a few of the older more experienced guys.

I have to disagree with #’s 6 and 7.

Stupid question from other auto enthusiasts, “Why didn’t you get a manual?”

HA, that jokes funny because Martin True won this race 2 years ago.

That’s no bueno, do you recommend something else?

1. Download Hola

I read the thread on bimmerforums, I am shocked none of the posts on there backed him up. I was fully expecting a bunch of BMW asshats agreeing with him. I am disappointed and happy at the same time.

I am by no means clamoring for one but, a diesel Excursion is definitely one my “if I win the lottery list.” I can’t justify one to myself now though. I have absolutely no need for one.

I was looking in Illinois, it seems super simple, build it, get inspected to make sure nothing is stolen, register it as a customized vehicle.

I am not sure how it works in all states but, in Washington the officer on the scene doesn’t have to give a report if they think the damage is below $700.

If I was to make an Exocet C4, which I am totally trying to do, I want to be legal about it so I can drive it as much as possible. Since I am sure I will get pulled over everytime I pull out of the driveway. I would like to have the paperwork to back up the legality of my insanity.

Next morning at the chow hall some idiot CSM with nothing better to do will ask these guys why there boots look like shit. “Because fire training ,”will not be a good enough answer, a 20 minute lecture on “standards and discipline” will ensue. By then the chow hall will close and none of these will get to eat

That’s true, the Flyin Miata V8 conversion kit is pretty pricey though.

It seems like it would be, I have come to find that the hard part will be registering it for road use.

They definietly are, stop telling everyone though. Actually there is one way Miata’s are better than C4’s, there is no Exocet type kit for C4’s.