
Still a better love story than Twilight.

Jalopnik can spend its money however it wants, so keep throwing it at Shilling, Orelove, and Hodge for all I care, though it would be nice if Jalopnik also threw it at people with fresher ideas on how to make an interesting car blog. I don’t begrudge Shilling, Orelove, and Hodge for taking the money, as they are paid

Why is this article so bitter?

Why is this article so bitter?

I thought Glick was the top choice? Remember that time you could drive his car in a game with a Jalopnik sticker on it?

Glick gets the Click

All the cool kids are doing it!

That sounds like a happening place

Hell yeah


Oh Yeah....I also think Mr. Glickenhaus is a genuinely nice guy. He should come and post over at 

Well, it’s no Boot.

What are your thoughts on the new F-150 Lightning?


That would be unfortunate.

I have thoughts that exist. Boy, I sure hope our tangential discussion isn’t pushing this thread higher up on the master comments list.

What are your thoughts on religion & politics? Am I doing this right?

Yes, much discussion. How about that weather?


Gotta move to accept by acclamation first! =)