
Getting Away With It is the opposite of what Patriots Celebration Month should be. That would be “Publicly Hounded and Shamed for Doing What Everyone Else Does Month.”

Because mentally ill people live all over the world and these types of mass shootings, generally speaking, do not happen in other industrialized countries. This was a mass shooting, it most certainly is an issue about guns.

They just weren’t “good guys with guns”; they were only “guys with guns”. If it were one of the gun nuts who was there, he would’ve been able shoot the gunman with one shot Rambo style and saved everyone.

Thanks for carrying the torch, Miko Grimes!

DC sniper, Virginia Tech Shooter, UCSB shooter, the guy who gunned down the TV reporter and cameraman, James Edward Pough, Jiverly Wong......more than enough examples to prove that all races are capable of this.

Why didn't all those good guys with a gun stop this before it happened? That's how it works, right?

And for the first time ever, our felon pool is still active in October.

That is true but you’ll never get them to admit to being wrong. Just, “huh, I expected a white guy”.

“And congratulations to the Florida State football team, now celebrating its 89th consecutive year with no arrests by us.” — Tallahassee PD spokesperson

This blows all the lily white guy theories out of the water.

I’d love to see the mathematical support behind your claim that “Possible and expected are two completely different adjectives”

And yet if you combine the adectives, the possible expected values lie between -2 and 2! Holey moley mother of Mary, would you look at that. (plus props to TheEvilMayor)

Any decision that results in cheering from Ravens fans is the wrong decision.

This is dumb and makes absolutely no sense.

The ALL STAR break needs a NHL style skill competition where we get to answer questions like these. I would watch that shit for hours so long as Berman isn’t commentating.

Haha, I was going to say the same thing, right down to being afraid of the highlight truther comments. Letting pitchers get a running head start at home plate does sound awesome, I think we should try it out next time thegame swings in favor of hitters.

I totally understand I may take flack for this, and I am open to correction, but the guy was moving forward with an awfully large head of steam before throwing that ball. I’m not saying throwing 100+ isn’t impressive. I’m just saying qualifying that with “only a dozen or so guys can do that” isn’t true. You give every

And here he is in LA.