
Don’t apologize, this site won’t be around much longer, esp. comments.

Link? Because Tesla doesn’t simply build out 3 years worth of anything without reducing prices to clear their already low inventory overhead.

“... The Lucid beats the Model S in pretty much every metric.”

They’ll sell a boatload of these, and Jalopnik will post endless articles of hate in response. Meanwhile almost every other legacy brand is scaling back their ridiculous long-term estimates because of high prices, low range and poor performance. So tiring.

Cope harder Crissy, they'll sell a ton of them.

They always have, genius.

Who cares, they sell a boatload of them.

Looks nothing like a Model S you moron. Even the interior is different. 

...except the interior, front and back end??

How many times are you going to copy/paste this same idiotic take?? The S looks NOTHING like a 3: profile, front, rear and interior are entirely different!

Cope harder Crissy. Your side lost while you spent months claiming otherwise.

This site is a complete cesspool now. No wonder it’s on the brink of going under.

Go hop back on your sister, tubby.

Why, it’s not like the model they bought will be that price dummy. Are you just as mad at Ford for constantly raising Lightning prices every year?

The CyberTruck sucks, period” = best selling EV truck on the market only months after launch.

Cope harder Crissy.

Was ANYTHING you bought FOUR YEARS ago priced the same or less?

The bigger question is: will 2025 be the year that either Jalopnik shuts down or just disables comments?

I predict decent sales upon launch “because different”, but the majority will put their money on BMW, Benz, Audi/Porsche at this price level going forward.