
LOL, it STARTS at $65k!

This company has been bleeding cash forever, and that is with zero charging infrastructure investments, less than 50 service centers nationwide and slow selling vehicles (10k a quarter?!).

Idiotic take. Must be a bitter, whiney Democrat.

I have an S Plaid which uses zero gas, no oil changes, brake pads every 100k+ miles, no radiator or tranny flushes, is AWD and smokes 99% of all vehicles on the road, incl. supercars costing 10x the price. Three years in and it’s yet to see a service center, first time I could ever say that having owned BMW Ms, AMGs,

The overwhelming majority have had few if any issues, just go to any Tesla forum to see this. Jalopnik NEEDS this to fail , hence why they post hourly Tesla articles bashing the brand, while it continues to outsell pretty much every EV from Ford, Benz, Audi, Porsche, VW and Hyundai, and at higher prices overall.

Wouldn’t that instead be for people like yourself and others here that not only claimed it would never launch, that once it did doubled down that it would fail spectacularly or be dead within a year or so?

LOL, yeah because sales people just LOVE the feeling of selling a vehicle they themselves are enamored with! I look forward to you selling them at no profit since they’ll fly off lots anyways.

Sure, let’s actually believe a woman who not only laughed about it, she never even reported it to police and only told two friends...until conveniently making the claim right when he ran for re-election. She didn’t even have a claim because too much time had passed, but simply calling her a “liar” and “not his type”

Username checks out.

THIS! Along with “the Lightning will crush it in sales!”, “it will be gone within a year”, “Musk took deposits with no intent on even building one”.

JFC, the reservations started right AFTER the reveal!!

Dumbass, you get an actual reservation number code that you can easily input to see where you are in the line.

More idiocy from resident Tesla hating troll, Colon.

Congratulations, you continue to be the biggest idiot on this site!

I mean, this IS Jalopnik, they’re only staying afloat because of Tesla/Musk articles! And WHEN not if comments get disabled like every other site here, at least we won’t have to listen to all of these resident idiots that never even owned a Tesla, let alone driven one continue to whine about how bad they are (#1 EV

I found the village idiot...

Idiotic take, the guy has literally offered free supercharging during other disasters (Dorian and Florence come to mind), and also unlock addl. range for those that chose to buy cheaper Tesla models that were software restricted.

LOL, you act as if there is no govt. oversight or regulations he has to follow, unlike every other car maker. We get it, you hate Musk/Tesla based on your daily posting history of him/them. So after a year or so proclaiming they were on the brink of extermination, now when sales rebound it’s “HE’S COOKING THE BOOKS!!”

Why would anyone pay to have a service that legally removes any responsibility of the manufacturer if it doesn’t work 100%? This goes for Cadillac, Benz, etc. Teslas imho are already fun to drive, why remove one of the best aspects of that? Maybe if you sit in bumper to bumper traffic, but otherwise why bother?