Wonder if he will bring back any of the cast members from previous shows as regulars - would love to have Richard Brooks back, maybe even a couple of folks from Conviction.
Wonder if he will bring back any of the cast members from previous shows as regulars - would love to have Richard Brooks back, maybe even a couple of folks from Conviction.
(Cannot believe I know this but...) Katrina Law is joining the main or original or whatever NCIS show this coming season.
I could have sworn it was reported on io9 a couple of months back that he posted he was leaving at the end of this coming season? Thought the news the last couple of days was that he was going to be recurring or whatever if the show gets renewed for season 7 (8? Maybe 9?).
“This Solaris is Steven Soderbergh’s version of the classic 1972 sci-fi film by Andrei Tarkovsky (or his re-adaptation of the original 1961 novel by Stanisław Lem).”
Not sure how to ask this, phrase the question so it makes sense, but is this in reference to a specific vaccine? Asking because when all the older women I know got their two-part shots in February they were told about this (my mom’s mammogram was rescheduled because of it) and it was part of the news cycle. So just…
Cannot link to the video on the CNN site but if anyone wants to watch a short interview with Professor Hart he was also on the Smerconish show a few weeks back (if anyone wants to search for it).
Same boat, not a fan of gadgets, got one of these as a gift. Not that hard boiled eggs are difficult to make but now I always use this machine only because the eggs come out ridiculously easy to peel (no idea why - maybe because the shell is pierced before steaming/cooking?). A light tap and the shells usually slide…
Not new but also on this weekend, at least if you are old like me and still get AXS TV, is ‘Rolling Stone Stories From the Edge’. They are running it this Saturday starting at 3:30PM EST. Not a recommendation, did not see it when it first came out, and for all I know it is just Jann Wenner talking at the camera for…
(If I don’t link it correctly just an old episode of the BBC show Arena called ‘Who Is Poly Styrene’.)
Do the various post Homicide appearances of John Munch in, well, everything count as crossovers?
Also, Doctor Who related, but for anyone interested BBC America is showing the animated version of ‘Fury From the Deep’ tonight at 6PM EST.
Did ‘Fury From the Deep’ run yesterday? My tv scheduler has it set to premiere this coming Sunday at 6PM after a mini ‘Who’ marathon.
Off the top of my head there have been a couple of shows that had a similar set up (new technology being used to find true love, or whatever, and the fallout) AMC’s ‘Soulmates’ and an French show that ran on Netflix in the US called ‘Osmosis’.
Not sure you really wanted to know, but since you asked ...
Do not know if this will change come Thursday but a few of the early seasons are also available to watch on the Pluto’s MTV channel.
I’d rather they rebooted UNSUB. I really miss late 80's neon-lit tv.
Since we are weighing in with names, Eugene Levy would be a good guest host for a few episodes.
Easier to find? Fox (thankfully) runs it all the time - usually at least twice a month.
Also the second episode of Trickster airs tonight on the CW at 9 PM (at least here - not sure that the CW schedule is the same across the country).