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If you’re going to go the Hugh Laurie route you can always have bonus John Malkovich.

I think I would toss in Burnt Offerings before Crimson Peak.

I’m not sure it belongs in the top 22, but I recall seeing Burnt Offerings when it came out in 1976, and I loved it! Anyone else remember it?

Any such list that doesn’t include “The Legend of Hell House” fails miserably. And c’mon — as wonderful as it is, Beetlejuice” is a comedy, not a horror film...

I think the movie The Legend of Hell House is quite decent, but the book is one of the greatest, scariest horror novels ever written

Likewise Event Horizon, which is even more of a haunted house; Alien is kind of a slasher movie once they leave LV426.

I loved the others. The twist got me good.

I am huge Matheson fan, and agree that the book was much better.

It’s been years since I’ve seen it, but I thought the same thing.

The book was fantastic. One of the few I’ve read that gave me the creeps.

Tim Burton made a masterpiece with ‘Batman,’ but blew it with the casting, in my opinion.

Keaton, coming one year off of the titular role in ‘Beetlejuice,’ should have been cast as the Joker. A young Alec Baldwin was right there in front of you for Bruce Wayne. 

A Lidl actually just opened near me, I’ll have to check it out, thanks!

My favorite part of the episode was Sarah Sherman antagonizing Colin Jost. Unlike Lisa from Temecula, that premise will never not be funny to me.

I don’t know where that B grade came from, this was a C at best. Album Recording Session was the only decent sketch. Everything else was bad. And the actual text of the review seems to agree! Ana De Armas was cute and competent. But the writing...

I guess we’re excluding made-for-TV movies, because I remember seeing that 1970s BBC version of Dracula as a kid, and Louis Jourdan was absolutely terrifying in the title role.  He brought a kind of dispassionate cruelty to the role that you can also see when he played Kamal Khan in Octopussy.

I mean, it’s incredibly common for a large ensemble show to not feature every single cast member in every single episode. You can go watch old episodes of, e.g., M*A*S*H and Houlihan or Mulcahey or whoever just won’t show up for whatever reason. I’d never thought of it as a cost-cutting measure so much as a writing log

I’m not sure about the others, but he’s been doing it with SVU for years now.  There’s usually only 2, maybe 3 of the main cast per episode, while the other(s) are like you say, off doing whatever.  Though I’m sure Hargitay (and maybe Ice-T?) gets paid every episode no matter what.

Which is odd because I don’t even remember “I Will Always Love You” being in it.

Take a tip from Prey and just have one xenomorph in an interesting time/place.

Unpopular opinion.... Aliens killed the Alien franchise.