
This could be the AVC’s version of the Takeouts’ “is a hot dog a sandwich?” question.

Just want to mention that Trickster, based on a book by First Nations author Eden Robinson, premieres on the CW tonight at 9 p.m. after Two Sentence Horror Stories.

The Watch is also on tonight. Have the first episodes dvr’ed, have not watched it yet, but seeing as no one is even mentioning it anywhere is the show just plain bad? Thanks.

If anyone is interested, and can stream it, Pluto is running the first episode of The Stand tonight at 9PM on their SciFi channel.

Along with the other suggestions Tubi and Pluto have various dedicated fireplace videos or channels - which is good if, like me, you are picky about the flame/log ratio and crackling sounds (and no friggin or frikkin music, please).

(An apology upfront - this was probably covered in the article and I missed it, glossed right over it.)

No mention of the only good King based tv shows, like Firestarter Rekindled, Brian Fuller’s Carrie, or Golden Years*?

From the box of Reynolds parchment paper I’m using - “For the perfect tear tuck flap inside box” and “Hold box and pull paper at an angle, then tear”.

Really enjoying this series. Anyway, I cannot read most of the comments* so no idea if someone already posted something like this, but if anyone is interested in just pics of older homes there is a now-dead, abandoned, whatever, website called Retrospace (.org) that has a section called The Vintage Home dedicated to

“The Babel fish is small, yellow, leechlike, and probably the oddest thing in the universe.”

Will trickle chargers help in the odd case where batteries are killed because of a sudden overnight cold snap? May not explain this well but I now live in an area in NC where the temperature is usually consistent and relatively slow in its changes. But every once in a while we have an unexpected/unforcasted drop in

(This may be covered at the link , or may just be obvious, but ...)

Thank you for the review or recommendation, I would have missed it otherwise. Probably because I am old this really reminds me of some of the early Epic releases (thinking mostly of Bill Sienkiewicz’s work) and I will be picking this up.

“It’s unclear if the attack was really completely unprovoked...”

Thanks to this just realized that I mix up Darren Criss and Darren Star all the time (or more accurately, regardless of who the story was covering, thought it was about the producer. Guess I just focused on the name “Darren”).

(sorry, couldn’t resist.)

I do not know if it will work for you but they often have the movies available to watch online for a couple of weeks on their WatchTCM website and app. On the Roku app they asked for my cable provider, etc., so I have no idea if there is a work-around, but I have not been asked for any type of information or log-in to

If you receive it TCM is also airing Diabolique this Sunday (well, Monday) at 2AM as part of their Imports series, followed by Les Yeux Sans Visage.

I have to admit to now being really curious where Cousin Ed lives that he has no access to Coffee Crisp or wine gummies. I live in a small town the middle of nowhere North Carolina where both of the gas stations carry Coffee Crisp, and the chain grocery stores a couple of towns over in the “big” town carry brands of