
Well, if you are really needing more Poochinski-like failed tv pilots or shows you could track down K-9000 (not Jim Belushi series, computer chipped talking dog) or Tequila and Bonetti (Jack Scalia, Mariska Hargitay, at least I think the dog talked in that one).

Not the Dexter I was hoping for.

Did anyone else think of Brian Blessed in his Doctor Who” or “Space 1999" roles when they saw that header picture?

(If the image does not show up it is Gahan Wilson’s Everybody’s Favourite Duck.)

Now playing

Just because ... Fred Willard in a very different (and not good) Space Force from 1978. I have not watched it all the way through - what I did watch is dreadful - but I think Mr. Willard’s first appearance starts around the 5 minute mark.

“...Clinton and Patterson penned a thriller called The President is Missing...”

(Not going to put this well but ...) Thank you for writing this post, covering this story and exposing it to a wider audience.

Apologies for posting this here but I could not work out how to send in a referral or link to a possible story (didn’t there use to be an email for story tips?).

Going to be vague but I have been in the same boat as Ms. Walton for roughly the last twenty-odd years (sheltering in place before it was the cool thing to do!) and just want to throw out a possible resource that folks may not think about - Hospice. I do not know if Hospice works the same in all areas, if it operates

While I assume the Salem’s Lot “reboot” is actually a new adaptation of the original novel, not a remake or connected to either of the tv mini-series, what about the Hellraiser movie? Is it based only on the novella, a remake of the first two movies, or some other combination? Thanks.

Just a mention that Octopussy is also on demand for “free”* on the Pluto channel or app or whatever it is.

Another wildcard might be a new series that is starting tonight in the U.S. called Almost Paradise. It is on WGN, home of all the Person of Interest, Elementary, and Married with Children reruns you could ever want (plus it turns out a detective series with Sliders’ Jerry O’Donnell that I never knew about).

Have not watched any of the third season yet, just the first two seasons, but I had the (probably wrong) impression that not all the Hosts were like Delores or Maeve. Using Hector as an example, based on what I saw, I thought he and most others were “just” very advanced AI’s where select others, like Maeve, were truly

Just a heads up that this column is not showing up as the Dirt Bag, or coming up under the Dirt Bag header or tag or whatever, if it matters or drives page views.

I asked this on another article but does anyone know if Ms. Fairstein ever threatened or took any legal action (actions?) against PBS or Ken Burns for the documentary they aired about Central Park Five, and her role in their convictions, that came out a few years back? Thanks.

I know it is an odd question but out of curiosity, if anyone knows, did Fairstein ever threaten any legal action (actions?) against Ken Burns for the documentary he made/produced?

“Note: if you don’t have buttermilk at home, you can make sour milk by adding 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to 2 cups of milk; just use it right away)“

Thank you.

Too late to edit/add but, though there is plenty of bread, milk, and eggs,  everyone is out of ramen soup also.

“... but I bet your store still has plenty of bleach.”