
A caveat that I have not kept up with most mainstream comics since just after the first few months of New52, so this may have already been covered (though at the same time it sounds like there has been another reset after the last reset, reset, reset).

Oddly enough (coincidentally enough?) I was just searching the onscreen scheduler and saw that Bravo had rebooted Blind Date (or maybe is just running the reboot). The information or description for the show also uses roughly the same inclusive language (though I think it used orientation and also mentions age) and

“... reached a tentative settlement that will allow him to pay damage...”

Now playing

It is funny you compare it to those two because the preview* reminded me of Dragon’s Heaven from 1988, and that is the description a lot of folks use when talking about that anime (also compairing it to Moebius).

(Showing my ignorance of how movies are made, how Terry Gilliam directs, who does what, etc.,)

Asked this on one of the other sites also but is there going to be (or maybe there has been and I missed it) a review of the Netflix V-Wars series that just started? Thanks.

Does Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of War of the Worlds count?

Thought last night’s show was one of the better ones, except, as you wrote, that the WU was not as funny as usual (though I honestly do not not know, with all the other comedy news shows out there now, how they can come up with anything that has not been used by someone on another show).

“Harry Styles: Rob Corddry plus Stephen Dorff, right? Is it just me?”

Sticking with North Carolina isn’t there a really low bridge off North (?) Tryon street in Charlotte, just outside the Uptown (downtown) area? This is going back a few years when I worked in the area but trucks would often get stuck if/when they missed the signs and failed to go around the overpass.

I feel stupid asking this, especially since I am sure the answer is in the article and I am missing it, but what is “the Chamber’s PAC” that the money went to? I am assuming they are connected to or in some way support Orion but am not sure (Chamber of Commerce maybe? Do CofCs support candidates?). Thanks.

What? You use “dialogue free”and “gripping heist” in the header, then no mention of Jacques Dassin’s great Rififi but instead give us a Buffy link? Heresy!

“But there are popular and uncontroversial American cocktails like the Black and Tan and the Irish Car Bomb that directly reference other tragic elements of the Troubles...”

Now playing

If and when you get done with the original (best) Dark Shadows, its two movie spin-offs, its two reboots (or three if you count the Tim Burton one), the radio show, the Big Finish series, maybe even the comic books, Marylin Ross’ paperback series, plus other novels that came after, you can watch Strange Paradise, a

I was going to go with James Bond as someone with a high body count. Never even thought of David. Though if we go the SF route (now that I think about it) what about some of the Star Wars characters like Tarkin?

Was it just my imagination or was Kyle Mooney onstage or onscreen more than usual last night (not a complaint of any kind)?

“I would gently inquire whether or not she was the fall guy for her husband, Willem Dafoe.”

Does that mean they are going to stop making it with both sugar and Aspartame?

I do not drink wine but for cooking I have always kept (well, for as long as they have been sold) those little boxes of wine around (currently have a couple of small Black Box brand, um, boxes in the pantry). Avoided the cans since they came out just because they are not resealable (plus they seem to be slightly larger

“Others, like That ‘70s Show star Laura Prepon, dig themselves a Scientology-sized hole and lie in it peacefully.”