
Looks like they fixed it, renaming itJean Grey” (though they moved it to last place in the run).

Too late to edit but I think the word I was looking for was mash-up, not hybrid.

These are all amazing (a couple I actually like more than the way they appeared onscreen) but a couple of questions.

Apologize upfront for what is a stupid question, or because I have missed something in the article, but when the release uses the words “of Indian descent” in this case do they mean someone whose folks at some point came from India, are Asian American (Indian American?), or someone who is First Nations? I see that

Do not know if it matters for your numbers, or if it actually happening with other folk*, but this Dirt Bag isn’t coming up when you click on the Dirt Bag tag at the top of the page (plus there is no red Dirt Bag title above the post’s Lede or Lead or title or whatever).

Also, if only because it was made with only practical effects (plus it stars Lance Henriksen), Harbinger Down from a couple of years back. It is currently on Amazon Prime (it seems to rotate between Prime and Netflix) an also usually on Tubi (which is free, though you have to sit through oddly timed or placed commercia

Do not know if it matters for traffic or whatever but this Dirt Bag isn’t linked to or coming up when you click on the Dirt Bag tag at the top of the page (though it may just be my computer. Kinja has been acting up on me for the last few days).

Along the lines of the films you have mentioned, and if interested, you might want to check out a Soviet SF movie from 1967 called Tainstvennaya stena (The Mysterious Wall), which in a couple of ways plays out as an early version of Annihilation (the movie - I have not read the book).

There is one, and only one, Kylie. If you are referring to any other Kylie you must include their last name, because only Ms. Minogue is simply “Kylie”. It is one of the five or whatever commandments.

“Hm, I am not sure this headline writer knows how copyright laws work”

(Copied from Merriam-Webster)

“... judge threw out the case, saying he [Servin] should have been charged with murder...”

Feeling pretty stupid having to ask (and will probably feel even dumber after an answer) but what does a “Saran-wrapped glass of wine” mean in regards to Tad’s, or maybe just in general as an expression? Do they serve their wine in a glass covered by the wrap or something (and if they do, why)? Thanks.

Does no one pay attention to the Syfy Channel?!?!?!

I am just wondering what the twist is going to be in the episode.

Just an old article for extra info/old background

Now playing

Could have saved money and just remade this 1973 ABC Movie of the Week. Or remade Vanished! Or even combined the two. Anything so I can avoid seeing Mr. Patterson’s name in yet another place/on my screen.

If they were to go with a very temporary rotation of very temporary guest hosts I would love to see Eugene Levy take a spot or two.

Asking because I have always heard them called snow blowers, but is snow throwers what these types of machines are called in certain parts of the country? Thanks.

Asking because I have always heard them called snow blowers, but is snow throwers what these types of machines are

This is kind of a weird (and badly written) question but which version of the Hansen’s Root Beer did you test - or - can anyone explain to me the difference between the two different “made with sugar” versions of Hansen’s that are available?