
The moment you realize you are old and/or out of touch. I honestly had no idea that the Joker, though great in many (or maybe all now that I think about it) of the various tv series, was ever considered cool or was the “world’s most beloved villain”.

“... Moore and Lewis denied telling Democrats there wouldn’t be votes before 1 p.m. ...”

I have seen it before, though the “Dear” in the greeting is odd (actually, the formatting in general seems odd to me.  But I have not worked in an office for many years now).

I guess I am alone in this but I really like frozen milk chocolate M&M’s, though it is more for the texture or “mouth-feel”. Being frozen does not really change to taste (to me at least, but a super-taster, or even a regular-taster, I am not).

Just do a (good) friggin’ Modesty Blaise movie!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for mentioning/covering the show, and it is just a typo/honest mistake, but it is Rosanne Cash, not Roseanne Cash.

[edit] Ignore this post. Just realized I misunderstood the sentence, who the “they” in it was referring to.

“Matt Lauer’s ex-wife is getting $20 million and a Hamptons horse farm ...”

You can say whatever you want about this show, but I ended up watching the first season and will watch the second series because of Wendell Pierce and his version of Greer. Kill off Ryan, I do not care.

Not arguing that certain laws in the U.S. should not definitely be changed, but just because it is a legal prescription, or just legally available OTC, where you live does not translate to it automatically overriding laws and being legal where you are headed.

Honest to whatever I thought this was somehow going to be a commercial about a guy cutting off his finger trying to use one of those sticky post notes. Today I learned that Postmates is a food delivery service. Have they thought of a different name?

Not important but have been wondering (mostly because of past fines for Google, Facebook, etc.,) - when these fines are levied where do these (to us at least) large sums of money actually go, what are they applied to? Assuming the money is actually collected how is it accounted for on the government side of things, or

Still think that the best made-for-television adaptation, and one of the best overall, was the Salem’s Lot mini-series directed by Tobe Hooper. The 1978 (1979?) production is far better than the original It tv mini-series in terms of directing, writing, really everything (the oppressive, smothering atmosphere of the

I would guess that Arthur Conan Doyle, depending on how loosely you define “adapted” and include productions that use his characters but were written by others, would be high on that list.

“These prominent sources apparently said it’s not Bruce Wayne (presumably meaning an alternate universe version of him)...”

Because it is not at all difficult, uses easily available ingredients, but requires several steps, I would go with a simple french onion soup.

If anyone is interested the entire book is online through Project Gutenburg (either Mental Floss or Flashback - both? - did posts on it which is the only reason I know about it).

My first thought was, style-wise, it looked like Gary Gianni crossed with a bit of Mr. Mingola, at least in the sketches (though that might just be because of the subject matter).

Have not been following this case that closely but the coverage I did catch (Thursday?) on NBC was an interview with the lawyers who said they were changing their strategy and no longer using the Stand Your Ground defense in the trial. NPR also, just a little while ago, reported that the jury rejected the SYG defense,

Even with smartphones people still use personal data assistants?