Thank you.
Thank you.
AARGHHH!!! Our local PBS affiliates ran the This Old House special last weekend* and I skipped it/did not record it because I figured it was just a clip show made up of segments I had already seen!!
Cannot edit for some reason but I messed up. My post was meant to be a response to nahitwasdumberthanthatsomethinglikerx’s post about Scenes From A Marriage, not be standalone.
Thank you so much for finding that article. It was driving me crazy that I thought I had just read about them here (well, here-ish).
Not directly related to this post but did whatever authorities work out who posted about the death on 4Chan before it was officially announced (or did that just turn out to be just a fake story)? Thanks.
Sorry for an off-topic question but is this post a, well, repost (maybe rewrite)? Only asking because I swear I read a version of it here (or maybe on The Takeout) just a couple of months back and it is driving me crazy. Thanks.
Is there any reason that Jez keeps calling Brandon Thomas Lee simply Brandon Lee? Asking because it just seems weird for this site, of all sites, to do it (and not because it confuses me for a few seconds).
(This adds nothing to the conversation but) For whatever reasons I have always thought that Mr. Church would make an excellent Elijah Snow if they ever got around to a Planetary adaptation.
Clicked here thinking I would find a clip from that movie about secret agent dogs vs evil cats trying to take over the world (called simply Dogs and Cats maybe? I think it had Jeff Goldblum?).
No Succession?
You are welcome.
(Assuming this is the Dirt Bag) To make it easier to find, or if only to drive traffic, someone may want to file this post under or add the “Dirt Bag” tag.
Dexter parallels? Try every third or fourth episode of Criminal Minds (and I think an episode of UNSUB, probably Touching Evil, The Inside, basically any tv serial killer procedural you can think of).
My current picks would be Jelly Babies distantly followed by MacKintosh Toffee Bars*. Everything else I can think of (that is not a jelly bean) has some chocolate in it or is more wafer/cookie like.
I feel like I am missing something, like something is not showing up in my feed, but is there a reason this post does not mention the alleged sexual assault that Ms. Williamson writes about?
Not that I could use this but my first thought about using this was “knowing me I will miss and soak myself, clothes, etc.” followed by, even though this could never happen and picturing it in a Dennis the Menace (UK version) way, someone filling it with pepper spray or something else painful and it being used.
Not that I could use this but my first thought about using this was “knowing me I will miss and soak myself,…
Yeah, there is also another Wahlberg playing a detective on City on the Hill.
Just a quick thank you for spotlighting (wildcarding?) American Masters—Worlds Of Ursula K. Le Guin.
“I don’t know if that’s true, but I did think it was weird that Cote de Pablo left and only returned once Weatherley was out of the picture.”