
Why? Omarion is awesome. That’s how it’s post to be.

If our society (and species) survives long enough to see the next century, I hope that we’ll look back at moments like this and wonder why the fucking fuck we spent so much time and energy ruining so many lives over some bullshit argument that marriage can ONLY be between a man and a woman.

Boyfriend couldn’t help but slip spectacularly in the Freudian sense:

Kelly has lost all credibility.

I’ve seen/heard this from white women, exclusively. Some are so engulfed in their little bubble that carries no diversity whatsoever that shit like this “enlightens” them.

So we’re not even bothering to put on swimsuits in the *swimsuit* issue now? And that’s considered, how?

So, they basically copied the Dixie Chicks from . . . how many years ago? 15? And did it in a way that is basically meaningless to their target audience. Groundbreaking stuff SI.

Honestly, the ESPN Body Issue is way more relevant than the swimsuit issue. It’s inclusive and somewhat informative kinesiologically (new word?). People are mostly interested just because it’s naked people, but at least there’s a justification for it appearing in a sports magazine. I worked in a state legislature

Nah, fuck em, burn it down. They do this all the time “look we’re putting a black person on the cover, look we’re using a real athlete, look a plus size model” and it’s still bullshit. If you want to call yourself Playboy, call yourself Playboy, but until then you’re still saying sports fandom is a straight male (and

How do you defend that, there are pictures of his wives with black eyes.

It’s weird how much she looks like Melania in the header.

Hope Hicks isn’t even out of her twenties. What the fuck is happening in the top picture? Is proximity to evil an aging agent?

Porter has been the Staff Secretary to the President, and thus has seen all correspondence and memos (by definition) before the president - while never having gotten security from the FBI, because the FBI knew about the DV history and wouldn’t give him clearance.

that picture predates her consuming the soul of maria shriver.

helped craft the White House statement responding to the multiple domestic abuse allegations against him. Chief of Staff John Kelly has also been going to bat hard for Porter

What really sucks for Brown is that he’ll miss out on the team’s end-of-season luau party...

I’m tired of PC = I want to use racial slurs and make gay jokes without criticism.

The “he wants a fresh start” is the most infuriating part of all of this to me. It’s just so fucking infantile.

Fowler: [He’s been] thrust in the spotlight,

“if you want to characterize people with labels, clickbait headlines, I’d caution you to just be a little bit careful and get to know something more about somebody.”
I genuinely thought he was offering advice out to Sandgren right there.