
Most men are not autistic.

Here’s what that tactic has yielded though.

Every time one of these fucknuts talks about how asking for consent is silly, I want to be like “So, when you want to go out for dinner with your girl, do you ask her first, or do you just shove her in the car, drive her to the restaurant, order for her, and start shoving the food down her throat?”

Funny how a lot of these so called “pickup artists” all turn out to be sexual assaulters or rapists...

No man is that fucking stupid to believe that the only safe way to interact with women now is to not interact with women now.

I guarantee that probably 90% of those who complained about that article never fucking read the thing. Otherwise they’re “people” who think that chasing someone around the room because everytime you try to put your fingers down their throat (which is just fucking weird) they suddenly back away and verbally tell you to

I hope their PR firm is paying you well for this post.

Ah yes, conservative logic: Jane Fonda is the nexus of evil but go ahead and elect a notorious draft dodger who sexually assaults women and causes weekly scandals because he can’t atop tweeting dumb shit.

Hi there! It is actually pretty fitting to go after the pharmaceutical company when you know everything they did in order to bring millions to their knees due to addiction. They claimed it wasn’t habit-forming and poured millions of dollars into campaigns that touted that very important, untrue assertion. From the top

Absolutely, combined with an increasingly for-profit prison system it’s destroying us. It’s like capitalism is eating itself.

Anytime anyone ever bemoans universal healthcare, I think of the opioid crisis that is destroying the United States. Countries with universal healthcare do not suffer comparatively with pain-medicine addiction. It is the direct result of a profit-driven industry lording over peoples bodies rather than an actual system

That’s the “intentional racism” v. “negligent racism” discussion.

Remember when a white guy shot almost 600 people in Las Vegas?

the proposition that a person is racist simply because they are white, is nonsense.

What’s the difference if you’re intentional racist or clueless racist? It’s harmful equally. Also, it lets mostly white play the clueless card or I dated a black card and then intentional hurt mostly black women. There shouldn’t be any racism qualifier. As soon as someone even have a racist thought they shoukd sit in

I have no qualms about that so long as the understanding is that white = racist.

Why you gotta do this on MLK day? You’re killing the dream, Damon. Nobody wants a red pill this morning Morpheus. I’m going to go hold hands with a white girl. For the culture, of course.

I know at least two.

Beautifully put. But White people are going to read this and immediately pull out their pink pussy hats and #woke t-shirts and proclaim that you’re the real racism problem in America.

One of the best. Because Damon refuses to separate Trump’s racism from the racism of those everyday white people who not only voted for him but also the Senators and Representatives who do everything in the power to advance his agenda, and the only thing that separates Trump from most of them is that he is very blunt