
He did not have a black girlfriend. He fetishised a black woman like most did in the 70s and moved on when he got his fill.

So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who

Jesus. The fact that Marky Mark is in a position to approve or veto Christopher Plummer as a co-star (and I’m assuming Michelle Williams in initial casting) is just one more example of how far we’ve fallen as a people.

Glad to see somebody taking up the “We need more white dudes in the movie!” fight.

Meh. In the original Aladdin the guys she spurned were also Persian. They could have given a Persian actor a job with this role.

“the most diverse cast ever assembled for a Disney live-action production.”

Those skills included walking around and standing in place.

So Roseanne, you’re against “hate-riotism” but you support the guy who calls neo-Nazis “very fine people”, gets endorsements from David Duke, who calls Mexicans rapists, and makes fake claims about Muslims being terrorists? But yeah, somebody has to stop those mean old Democrats from being so rude.

I totally agree with her. He panders to racists, of course. He says racist things. He enacts racist policies that oppress minorities, he appoints racists like Jeff Secessions as Attorney General, who opress minorities. But he SAYS he’s not racist, and he put Ben Carson, a man with no relevant experience beyond being a

posting this in response to all the wide-eyed innocent White people (European and otherwise) pretending that they are SHOCKED! SHOCKED! by anyone finding this offensive, as if they’ve never heard anyone compare a Black person to a monkey. And for everyone actually engaging in this dumb discourse: stop feeding the

Like this thread started with some weird version of colorblind bs and it’s all bad.

H&M has told Black people exactly how they feel about us. Don’t give these motherfuckers another damn dollar if you have before now.

OK but even if that were true (which is ridiculous to assume) so what? That means one black woman can’t write a horror movie? Black people can’t star? Because only black women will go to see such a film?

 You know it takes a lot of reinforcement to try to keep that white supremacist narrative from falling to pieces in the bright light-of-day glare of logic and actual facts.

The truly insidious part of this is that these unfounded stereotypes have a way of becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.

Call me cynical but I don’t think these companies see such incidents as marketing disasters and may even encourage them. This is free, world-wide publicity and the few people with long enough memories to boycott their stuff don’t matter to their bottom line.

Counterpoint: this country has a history of violence towards African Americans and you need to be sensistive to such realities. Sorry if in your white bubble something as racist as calling a black child a monkey is okay to you

It’s about time that white men had a role model they could relate to in film!