
Then. sleep. a. lone. You don’t like modern expectations of mutual, explicit consent? You don’t want to respect women’s right to define her trauma? THEN PLEASE SLEEP ALONE, ALL YOU ‘RATIONAL’ MEN.

I’m not even going to entertain your response to my comments since you DO want to start a fight. You presented (at best) a half-thought about some fictional racial double-standard, and several of us have in a couple of different ways (yes, looking at the larger society, and yes dissecting the exact words you attempted

IMO, you need to get over your discomfort with white people doing wrong to support other messy, wrong white people - in this climate of new social accountability, its going to keep being pointed out to you, more and more (warning!).

Tyra may be cooky and extroverted (aka, “extra”), but I’ve only seen palpable aggression from her MAYBE a handful of times... and across 22 cycles of 18-25yr old attention-seekers testing their limits, that’s a feat for anyone. The Jays have a better track record of zany “bad cop”on that show, IMO.

“It’s a reflection of the fact that black culture doesn’t really travel...”

In the words of James Baldwin: “I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do”. We don’t assume most (or even many) white people care, because white people simply haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to addressing (let alone confronting!) racism. Feel free to soothe your soul with stories of

ALSO ALSO ALSO: undocumented immigrants are some of the most preyed upon people in the US workforce. They have nothing to save them from exploitation (from tech companies, to service workers, the hospitality industry and agriculture - there are few major US industries where the undocumented do the work, pay their

Just wrong. This hotline is unAmerican and deserves ridicule by the public.

Sorry, how does getting rid of the word “White” improve either the context or the content of this argument? You (and the OP) seem to be talking about White people. Why not give them a name? Why normalize their racism as something we could all fall into (theoretically of course, since there isn’t an actual alternative

Simply/crassly stated: you can F* a black woman (for years! even think you like her!) and still think black people are inherently inferior and deserve their second-class citizenship status in this country. And you can extend that loathing to anyone else who doesn’t identify exclusively as European or Anglo. Wypipo*