
Gifs are truly one of my favorite things ever. Next to being a Misandrist.


Sure, because pointing out a problem exists and pointing out that the women in this photo are lampooning gang styles that seem to be specific to certain ethnicities is the issue here. And anyone who points that out must be the racist because they're seeing color where they shouldn't.

I would like to redirect everyone to the article a couple months ago about the black student president who was forced to resign after dressing up like the dude-bros at her school nobody was saying oh she's just a kid when it happened but these white girls seems to be getting off the hook for that reason. I hate to

The pregnancy thing really gets me. I'm sure these girls think they'll never have to face the choice of having an abortion or becoming a single unwed teen mother, but just being a cheerleader doesn't give you some kind of magical Privilege Diaphragm.

White people like to do this because it reinforces the superiority complexes that they've cultivated throughout their lifetimes. White women in particular, it seems, love to appropriate other cultures and mock them simultaneously with elaborate games of dress-up.

The only exception.

The hair styles, bandanas, and plaid shirts buttoned only at the top are "chola" characteristics. And one of them has "thug" written on their stomachs.

I agree. She would be perfect for a gig like this.

Does this remind anyone else of Bryan Cranston???

Retta is my favorite.

I am... weirdly down for Expendabelles? Let's nominate some badasses to be in the cast:

Ok, I'm bad at Photoshop, but...

Dat mustache...

Not to Godwin, but... guns, blue eyes, and blonde hair?

Come join 13-year-old Brenna Strong along with her mom, Bea, and her dad, Richard

Girl bye, just bye!

Because whether or not you agree with her father's politics, the daughter of the president of the United States is going to be interesting to some people. Welcome to the world.

My former father in law never drank water. According to him, there is water in diet coke so he was just fine thankyouverymuch! Shocking that he had so many health problems really lol