
That concentrated area is the result of decades of discriminatory and predatory housing policies, lack of jobs, concentrated poverty, and a huge load of political malfeasance.

You say, "though who knew Queens County and Bronx County were so expensive? (Seriously, who?)"

This is a very sensible and humane policy.

True story:

When people talk to you about things, they usually expect feedback. When you say "isn't that cute?" And I say no, It's not because I'm in charge of your life. It's because you shared an opinion about something in your life with me and asked for feedback and I gave it to you. Your response to this is literally so

Can a person love "foreign" foods and also be racist? Of course. However, not liking "foreign" foods leads me to suspect a few things which can be confirmed or refuted by getting to know the person. They might be xenophobic (extremely related to racism). They might not have an appreciation or respect for cultures

And that's totally fine. There are plenty of foods I don't like. But there is a difference between "I don't like broccoli" and "OMG my husband is so cute he refuses to eat ANY vegetables!! Like he will be like gross if I cook any for dinner and won't let them touch his plate!"

Have you tried calling it "egg pie"? Weirdly, I know a lot of men (southern men) who are like "UGH QUICHE" but as soon as I made "tomato egg pie" (tomato and cheddar quiche) they were like "OH this is good!"

My husband loves quiche, he loves eggs , loves cheese and loves pie. What's not to love about quiche.

Yeah I catered to my husbands picky eating for a while. Then I told him he can suck it. I quit cooking boneless skinless chicken breast and told him to cope with the bones. Know what happened? He does not like boneless skinless anymore. What do ya know, bones and skin add flavor! There are still some things he just

My ex-husband would eat just about anything... but the thing was, he was as happy with a peanut butter sandwich as he was a steak at a high end restaurant. And that was hard, because he just didn't revel in the novelty or the new tastes. He could take it or leave it. I'd beg him to go to dinner with me and he never

He's deliberately destroying his own health, and she finds those habits endearing? That attitude baffles me. People don't find it cute when their loved ones drink & drug themselves to an early death — why is it a point of pride for some people to eat in an equally destructive way?

Interestingly enough, my first boyfriend was completely prohibited from having any junk food as a kid: no processed cheese, no canned soup, no cookies, no lemonade, etc. I have never seen someone so excited to have a grilled cheese sandwich with Campbell's tomato soup for lunch.

People who "hate vegetables" just annoy the shit out of me. Really, you hate ALL 98,000 kinds of vegetables? All of them? And you for sure just really hate every single vegetable, and it's not some kind of bullshit contrary/macho stance that you think makes you a badass?

It is considered immature or shallow to seriously weight in romantic prospects whether you like the same bands, or movies, or TV shows, or vacations, or food.

I see this almost less of a shared interest thing and more of a shared value thing. If you don't want to adapt to new things, take care of yourself (I'm gonna stick by a varied and homemade-rather-than-processed diet being healthier despite the fact my from-scratch meal last night was shrimp alfredo) , engage in

Everyone I've ever met who ate like a toddler also behaved like a toddler in many ways. I couldn't spend my life with someone who is set in their ways and afraid of new experiences.

Some little things like this are shallow but others are symbols of larger more legitimate issues. I could never love someone who wouldn't eat vegetables because- it's stupid and short sighted to not eat vegetables. They are good for you, do you think *you're* the one guy on earth who can just never eat vegetables

Nope. Sorry. I could not get past someone eating only kid foods. Its one thing to not like something but to limit your options to places you would take your kid cousin would not fly with me. I think being an adult picky eater also shows an unwillingness to adapt to change and its a pretty clear indicator that you're

I think cutesy cleaning supplies exist for two main reasons:

Mmmkay I will wear almost anything if it's pink and bedazzled, but putting feathers on dish gloves just seems impractical. The feathers are gonna get all wet. Also that jewel is gonna pop right off - and probably tear a hole in the glove when it does.